
Latest version: v0.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix bug causing potential element loss when reallocating PMap. Thanks to jml for finding
this and submitting a PR with a fix!
* Removed python 3.2 test build from Travis. There is nothing breaking 3.2 compatibility in this
release but there will be no effort moving forward to keep the 3.2 compatibility.


* Fix 51, PClass.set() broken when used with string+value argument.
* 50, make it possible to specify more than one assertion in an invariant
* 48, make it possible to make recursive type references by using a string
as type specification.


* 42, delete() function added to PVector to allow deletion of elements by index
and range. Will perform a full copy of the vector, no structural sharing.
Thanks radix for helping out with this one!
* Fix 39, explicitly disallow ordering for PMap and PBag, Python 3 style
* Fix 37, PMap.values()/keys()/items() now returns PVectors instead of lists


* Fix 40, make it possible to disable the C extension by setting the
PYRSISTENT_NO_C_EXTENSION environment variable.


* Fix 38, construction from serialized object for pvector/pset/pmap fields.


* Fix broken README.rst

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