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GitHub stats for 2017/09/23 - 2017/11/02

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

We closed a total of 31 issues, 8 pull requests and 23 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (8):

* :ghpull:`997`: b'edit for example datasets'
* :ghpull:`999`: b'Raise ImportError on missing palettable and PEP8'
* :ghpull:`983`: b'Fix inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation.'
* :ghpull:`995`: b'Foliumfix'
* :ghpull:`993`: b'B991'
* :ghpull:`988`: b'Resolve issue of "False" "id_order_set" when building contiguity weights from shapefile even if `idVariable` is given in initialization'
* :ghpull:`982`: b'update release instructions for new test.pypi'
* :ghpull:`979`: b'Rel 1.14.2'

Issues (23):

* :ghissue:`997`: b'edit for example datasets'
* :ghissue:`970`: b'Odd pysal.Moran() randomisation VI'
* :ghissue:`999`: b'Raise ImportError on missing palettable and PEP8'
* :ghissue:`998`: b'Should missing palettable be a warning or error? '
* :ghissue:`981`: b'mixed indentation in `iwls`'
* :ghissue:`987`: b"discrepancy in EB Local Moran's I with PySAL vs. GeoDa results"
* :ghissue:`992`: b'Scipy 1.0.0 Compat issues'
* :ghissue:`991`: b'Chisqprob is deprecated'
* :ghissue:`983`: b'Fix inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation.'
* :ghissue:`996`: b'edit README for example datasets'
* :ghissue:`989`: b"resolve discrepancy of estimating Moran's I corrected for rates between GeoDa and pysal"
* :ghissue:`995`: b'Foliumfix'
* :ghissue:`994`: b'folium breakage'
* :ghissue:`971`: b'base_lisa_cluster function call does not pass p_thresh'
* :ghissue:`993`: b'B991'
* :ghissue:`984`: b'Level dev & master, incorporate 983'
* :ghissue:`990`: b'problem with open shp file'
* :ghissue:`988`: b'Resolve issue of "False" "id_order_set" when building contiguity weights from shapefile even if `idVariable` is given in initialization'
* :ghissue:`980`: b'release documentation test pypi is out of date'
* :ghissue:`982`: b'update release instructions for new test.pypi'
* :ghissue:`978`: b'Coordinate releases on pypi and github'
* :ghissue:`976`: b'bump pysal/pysal/ please'
* :ghissue:`979`: b'Rel 1.14.2'


This is a bug fix release for the 1.14 Python 2.x. series of PySAL.

We closed a total of 8 issues, 3 pull requests and 5 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (3):

* :ghpull:`975`: Correction of Geary's C under randomization
* :ghpull:`972`: Bug Fix for 970
* :ghpull:`973`: Passing p_thres in plot_lisa_cluster. This fixes 971

Issues (5):

* :ghissue:`974`: Re: 979
* :ghissue:`975`: Correction of Geary's C under randomization
* :ghissue:`972`: Bug Fix for 970
* :ghissue:`973`: Passing p_thres in plot_lisa_cluster. This fixes 971
* :ghissue:`968`: find_bin does not include top value


This is the last version of PySAL that will officially support Python 2.x.
This version will also receive only bug fixes going forward. All new PySAL
functionality will be added using the new structure documented at

We closed a total of 114 issues, 36 pull requests and 78 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (36):

* :ghpull:`915`: Network dev
* :ghpull:`911`: coverage change
* :ghpull:`931`: Fix for negative values of ebi_v in assancao_rate smoother function
* :ghpull:`955`: Minor corrections to issue template
* :ghpull:`888`: Fix unusual interpreter path.
* :ghpull:`926`: DOC: fix a broken link (HTTP 404) in documentation
* :ghpull:`951`: Order enforce
* :ghpull:`953`: deprecating headbanging
* :ghpull:`952`: fix for 932 coordinates need to be (lon, lat) not (lat, lon)
* :ghpull:`946`: [WIP] add Distance bugfix
* :ghpull:`942`: fixed the bug in reading the new ArcGIS .swm file
* :ghpull:`947`: [WIP] fix bug 944
* :ghpull:`950`: Lag cat fix
* :ghpull:`928`: Fixed incorrect file path in fileio.rst
* :ghpull:`927`: DOC: fix formatting of a code block in the documentation
* :ghpull:`934`: Added String_Type values to unsupported file types
* :ghpull:`929`: DOC: make code snippet in documentation compatible to Python 3
* :ghpull:`924`: add pseudocode makefile
* :ghpull:`916`: Util.compute length
* :ghpull:`919`: Dijkstra mp
* :ghpull:`921`: Mapping: allow tips parameter even if col not passed
* :ghpull:`912`: adjust the formula for calculating local Moran's I in the docs
* :ghpull:`913`: 0. Fixed docstring that was causing latex error
* :ghpull:`910`: add new weights classes & methods to docs & tutorials
* :ghpull:`908`: Geographically weighted regresson
* :ghpull:`907`: Spint
* :ghpull:`905`: Spint - fix local param indexing
* :ghpull:`904`: Rc1.13.1
* :ghpull:`903`: Fix for numpy bump induced breakage
* :ghpull:`902`: Spreg fix
* :ghpull:`901`: Badge for docs
* :ghpull:`899`: fix inplace overwrite issue
* :ghpull:`897`: fix minor typo
* :ghpull:`887`: Dev version bump
* :ghpull:`885`: Fixing doc builds


We closed a total of 38 issues, 7 pull requests and 31 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (7):

* :ghpull:`844`: Geotable plot
* :ghpull:`875`: Spint constant
* :ghpull:`874`: Use standard python facilites for warning
* :ghpull:`873`: updating release schedule
* :ghpull:`871`: Put requirements into so they are installed if missing
* :ghpull:`870`: Doc/release
* :ghpull:`869`: Dev

Issues (31):

* :ghissue:`844`: Geotable plot
* :ghissue:`877`: documentation links to numpy and scipy are broken
* :ghissue:`875`: Spint constant
* :ghissue:`874`: Use standard python facilites for warning
* :ghissue:`873`: updating release schedule
* :ghissue:`871`: Put requirements into so they are installed if missing
* :ghissue:`591`: check pysal version and report if a more recent stable version is available
* :ghissue:`410`: prototype LISA cluster map
* :ghissue:`333`: Add k functions
* :ghissue:`274`: Implement LISA in network module
* :ghissue:`746`: Network data structures
* :ghissue:`751`: A method to get a list of example-files by type
* :ghissue:`219`: inconsistent treatment of centroids in arc distance calculations in weights/
* :ghissue:`173`: implement cross sectional and space-time scan statistics
* :ghissue:`170`: centralize all kernel based calculations
* :ghissue:`134`: Complete cg.locators
* :ghissue:`94`: Smoothing: add another module based on model-based smoothing
* :ghissue:`91`: Smoothing: Develop simulations for comparing different smoothers
* :ghissue:`90`: Overhaul Polygon class
* :ghissue:`89`: Optimize shapefile reader
* :ghissue:`88`: Optimize Clockwise test
* :ghissue:`86`: Spatial_Dynamics: LISA Time paths
* :ghissue:`85`: Spatial_Dynamics: modified knox statistic
* :ghissue:`84`: Spatial_Dynamics: Optimize Theta
* :ghissue:`652`: Use cKDtree for Arc_KDTree
* :ghissue:`697`: Update Release Management to Support Rolling Releases
* :ghissue:`761`: Object-oriented design for viz module
* :ghissue:`767`: ZeroDivisonError when calculating certain centroids
* :ghissue:`849`: dbf2df can not read dbf files within which there are Chinese characters
* :ghissue:`870`: Doc/release
* :ghissue:`869`: Dev


We closed a total of 100 issues, 33 pull requests and 67 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (33):

* :ghpull:`864`: addressing issue 845 and adding tests
* :ghpull:`862`: Memory efficient Gini and tests
* :ghpull:`865`: fix space/tab inconsistency
* :ghpull:`861`: GSOC -SpInt
* :ghpull:`847`: spatial interaction weights
* :ghpull:`863`: B859
* :ghpull:`860`: Incoprate updates to db driver and unittests
* :ghpull:`858`: Dev mltest
* :ghpull:`857`: Fix TabErrors, replace tabs with spaces
* :ghpull:`856`: Make the output and build reproducible
* :ghpull:`851`: fixed typo in
* :ghpull:`850`: [REBASE] Distance band speed ups
* :ghpull:`843`: update and clean aesthetic of Network_Usage.ipynb
* :ghpull:`842`: typo correction in
* :ghpull:`841`: [REBASE & REDIRECT] Conditional Database Imports & Docos, 692
* :ghpull:`840`: minor bugfix to 816
* :ghpull:`839`: documentation cleanup on
* :ghpull:`838`: documentation cleanup
* :ghpull:`836`: re: documentation cleanup
* :ghpull:`768`: Modified the way area of a ring is calculated to allow for more precision
* :ghpull:`829`: numba autojit _fisher_jenks_means if numba is available
* :ghpull:`832`: Handling a deprecation warning, and latex errors corrected.
* :ghpull:`834`: Travis testing matrix
* :ghpull:`831`: Refactoring Markov classes for efficiency
* :ghpull:`827`: ESDA Tabular Functions
* :ghpull:`823`: typo and format of docstring of in weights module
* :ghpull:`821`: Pdio
* :ghpull:`817`: D/sur
* :ghpull:`818`: Documentation fix + some PEP8 standardization
* :ghpull:`811`: DistanceBand should correctly handle named weights
* :ghpull:`808`: Dev
* :ghpull:`807`: Updating contrib docs and bumping version for dev
* :ghpull:`797`: working moran plot func

Issues (67):

* :ghissue:`855`: Inefficient Gini Coefficient calculation?
* :ghissue:`864`: addressing issue 845 and adding tests
* :ghissue:`862`: Memory efficient Gini and tests
* :ghissue:`865`: fix space/tab inconsistency
* :ghissue:`861`: GSOC -SpInt
* :ghissue:`847`: spatial interaction weights
* :ghissue:`859`: Wrong there is one disconnected observation (no neighbors)
* :ghissue:`863`: B859
* :ghissue:`860`: Incoprate updates to db driver and unittests
* :ghissue:`858`: Dev mltest
* :ghissue:`857`: Fix TabErrors, replace tabs with spaces
* :ghissue:`854`: handle verication context for githubstats
* :ghissue:`856`: Make the output and build reproducible
* :ghissue:`851`: fixed typo in
* :ghissue:`850`: [REBASE] Distance band speed ups
* :ghissue:`846`: DistanceBand speed ups
* :ghissue:`843`: update and clean aesthetic of Network_Usage.ipynb
* :ghissue:`842`: typo correction in
* :ghissue:`692`: Conditional Database Import / Docos
* :ghissue:`841`: [REBASE & REDIRECT] Conditional Database Imports & Docos, 692
* :ghissue:`769`: Windows 7, 64 bit installation issue with visual C++ for python
* :ghissue:`816`: Exception TypeError in
* :ghissue:`840`: minor bugfix to 816
* :ghissue:`839`: documentation cleanup on
* :ghissue:`397`: integrate optimized contiguity builder
* :ghissue:`531`: add user space function to generate numpy arrays
* :ghissue:`654`: meta update for 2-3 conversion
* :ghissue:`676`: Meta not importable from pysal
* :ghissue:`838`: documentation cleanup
* :ghissue:`753`: Fix the network ring bug
* :ghissue:`836`: re: documentation cleanup
* :ghissue:`768`: Modified the way area of a ring is calculated to allow for more precision
* :ghissue:`837`: re: network.allneighbordistances() diagonal fill
* :ghissue:`822`: two issues about function choropleth_map in viz module
* :ghissue:`835`: fix deprecation warnings noted in 822
* :ghissue:`829`: numba autojit _fisher_jenks_means if numba is available
* :ghissue:`832`: Handling a deprecation warning, and latex errors corrected.
* :ghissue:`834`: Travis testing matrix
* :ghissue:`825`: Headbanging Median Rate ignores edge correction
* :ghissue:`826`: Spatial Filtering grid definition
* :ghissue:`824`: Direct Age Standardization fails for empty regions
* :ghissue:`833`: PySAL+ optional testing matrix
* :ghissue:`830`: [REBASED] PySAL+ optional testing matrix
* :ghissue:`831`: Refactoring Markov classes for efficiency
* :ghissue:`827`: ESDA Tabular Functions
* :ghissue:`815`: rook case not working in ContiguityWeightsPolygons
* :ghissue:`828`: Fisher_Jenks pure python implementation is too slow
* :ghissue:`814`: Explore Classmethods for alternative constructors
* :ghissue:`795`: switch to scipy.linalg instead of numpy.linalg
* :ghissue:`799`: w_subset(weights:W, ids:np.ndarray) constructs faulty weights object
* :ghissue:`823`: typo and format of docstring of in weights module
* :ghissue:`821`: Pdio
* :ghissue:`794`: spreg ML_lag doesn't always set W in __init__
* :ghissue:`754`: Update README
* :ghissue:`819`: add LIMAs
* :ghissue:`817`: D/sur
* :ghissue:`818`: Documentation fix + some PEP8 standardization
* :ghissue:`809`: Fixed documentation
* :ghissue:`813`: w.remap_ids(ids) never sets w.id_order_set
* :ghissue:`775`: Added a prototype for constructing weights from a list of shapely Polygons
* :ghissue:`810`: DistanceBand fails to accept custom ids
* :ghissue:`811`: DistanceBand should correctly handle named weights
* :ghissue:`780`: Doctests failing on travis
* :ghissue:`801`: ImportError: No module named scipy.spatial
* :ghissue:`808`: Dev
* :ghissue:`807`: Updating contrib docs and bumping version for dev
* :ghissue:`797`: working moran plot func


We closed a total of 20 issues, 6 pull requests and 14 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (6):

* :ghpull:`805`: pre Rel1.11.2 and 840
* :ghpull:`802`: fixed issues with model handler failing to correctly discover models
* :ghpull:`798`: fix for css problem on rtd 790
* :ghpull:`793`: Getting weights doctests to pass
* :ghpull:`791`: Doc/rolling
* :ghpull:`792`: Local Moran was using the incorrect moments in z_sim and p_z_sim

Issues (14):

* :ghissue:`805`: pre Rel1.11.2 and 840
* :ghissue:`803`: check_contiguity error..
* :ghissue:`802`: fixed issues with model handler failing to correctly discover models
* :ghissue:`800`: `ps.threshold_continuousW_from_shapefile` returning inf along diagonal
* :ghissue:`771`: KDtree type mismatch in knnW
* :ghissue:`798`: fix for css problem on rtd 790
* :ghissue:`796`: working moran plot func
* :ghissue:`787`: Update docs to reflect Python-3 compatibility
* :ghissue:`587`: ML Lag indexing error on optimization result
* :ghissue:`793`: Getting weights doctests to pass
* :ghissue:`791`: Doc/rolling
* :ghissue:`792`: Local Moran was using the incorrect moments in z_sim and p_z_sim
* :ghissue:`674`: Have PySAL included on OSGeo Live 9
* :ghissue:`779`: DistanceBand include the point itself as neighbor

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