We closed a total of 100 issues, 33 pull requests and 67 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script
Pull Requests (33):
* :ghpull:`864`: addressing issue 845 and adding tests
* :ghpull:`862`: Memory efficient Gini and tests
* :ghpull:`865`: fix space/tab inconsistency
* :ghpull:`861`: GSOC -SpInt
* :ghpull:`847`: spatial interaction weights
* :ghpull:`863`: B859
* :ghpull:`860`: Incoprate updates to db driver and unittests
* :ghpull:`858`: Dev mltest
* :ghpull:`857`: Fix TabErrors, replace tabs with spaces
* :ghpull:`856`: Make the output and build reproducible
* :ghpull:`851`: fixed typo in test_network.py
* :ghpull:`850`: [REBASE] Distance band speed ups
* :ghpull:`843`: update and clean aesthetic of Network_Usage.ipynb
* :ghpull:`842`: typo correction in network.py
* :ghpull:`841`: [REBASE & REDIRECT] Conditional Database Imports & Docos, 692
* :ghpull:`840`: minor bugfix to 816
* :ghpull:`839`: documentation cleanup on network.analysis.py
* :ghpull:`838`: network.util.py documentation cleanup
* :ghpull:`836`: re: network.py documentation cleanup
* :ghpull:`768`: Modified the way area of a ring is calculated to allow for more precision
* :ghpull:`829`: numba autojit _fisher_jenks_means if numba is available
* :ghpull:`832`: Handling a deprecation warning, and latex errors corrected.
* :ghpull:`834`: Travis testing matrix
* :ghpull:`831`: Refactoring Markov classes for efficiency
* :ghpull:`827`: ESDA Tabular Functions
* :ghpull:`823`: typo and format of docstring of user.py in weights module
* :ghpull:`821`: Pdio
* :ghpull:`817`: D/sur
* :ghpull:`818`: Documentation fix + some PEP8 standardization
* :ghpull:`811`: DistanceBand should correctly handle named weights
* :ghpull:`808`: Dev
* :ghpull:`807`: Updating contrib docs and bumping version for dev
* :ghpull:`797`: working moran plot func
Issues (67):
* :ghissue:`855`: Inefficient Gini Coefficient calculation?
* :ghissue:`864`: addressing issue 845 and adding tests
* :ghissue:`862`: Memory efficient Gini and tests
* :ghissue:`865`: fix space/tab inconsistency
* :ghissue:`861`: GSOC -SpInt
* :ghissue:`847`: spatial interaction weights
* :ghissue:`859`: Wrong there is one disconnected observation (no neighbors)
* :ghissue:`863`: B859
* :ghissue:`860`: Incoprate updates to db driver and unittests
* :ghissue:`858`: Dev mltest
* :ghissue:`857`: Fix TabErrors, replace tabs with spaces
* :ghissue:`854`: handle verication context for githubstats
* :ghissue:`856`: Make the output and build reproducible
* :ghissue:`851`: fixed typo in test_network.py
* :ghissue:`850`: [REBASE] Distance band speed ups
* :ghissue:`846`: DistanceBand speed ups
* :ghissue:`843`: update and clean aesthetic of Network_Usage.ipynb
* :ghissue:`842`: typo correction in network.py
* :ghissue:`692`: Conditional Database Import / Docos
* :ghissue:`841`: [REBASE & REDIRECT] Conditional Database Imports & Docos, 692
* :ghissue:`769`: Windows 7, 64 bit installation issue with visual C++ for python
* :ghissue:`816`: Exception TypeError in geoda_txt.py
* :ghissue:`840`: minor bugfix to 816
* :ghissue:`839`: documentation cleanup on network.analysis.py
* :ghissue:`397`: integrate optimized contiguity builder
* :ghissue:`531`: add user space function to generate numpy arrays
* :ghissue:`654`: meta update for 2-3 conversion
* :ghissue:`676`: Meta not importable from pysal
* :ghissue:`838`: network.util.py documentation cleanup
* :ghissue:`753`: Fix the network ring bug
* :ghissue:`836`: re: network.py documentation cleanup
* :ghissue:`768`: Modified the way area of a ring is calculated to allow for more precision
* :ghissue:`837`: re: network.allneighbordistances() diagonal fill
* :ghissue:`822`: two issues about function choropleth_map in viz module
* :ghissue:`835`: fix deprecation warnings noted in 822
* :ghissue:`829`: numba autojit _fisher_jenks_means if numba is available
* :ghissue:`832`: Handling a deprecation warning, and latex errors corrected.
* :ghissue:`834`: Travis testing matrix
* :ghissue:`825`: Headbanging Median Rate ignores edge correction
* :ghissue:`826`: Spatial Filtering grid definition
* :ghissue:`824`: Direct Age Standardization fails for empty regions
* :ghissue:`833`: PySAL+ optional testing matrix
* :ghissue:`830`: [REBASED] PySAL+ optional testing matrix
* :ghissue:`831`: Refactoring Markov classes for efficiency
* :ghissue:`827`: ESDA Tabular Functions
* :ghissue:`815`: rook case not working in ContiguityWeightsPolygons
* :ghissue:`828`: Fisher_Jenks pure python implementation is too slow
* :ghissue:`814`: Explore Classmethods for alternative constructors
* :ghissue:`795`: switch to scipy.linalg instead of numpy.linalg
* :ghissue:`799`: w_subset(weights:W, ids:np.ndarray) constructs faulty weights object
* :ghissue:`823`: typo and format of docstring of user.py in weights module
* :ghissue:`821`: Pdio
* :ghissue:`794`: spreg ML_lag doesn't always set W in __init__
* :ghissue:`754`: Update README
* :ghissue:`819`: add LIMAs
* :ghissue:`817`: D/sur
* :ghissue:`818`: Documentation fix + some PEP8 standardization
* :ghissue:`809`: Fixed documentation
* :ghissue:`813`: w.remap_ids(ids) never sets w.id_order_set
* :ghissue:`775`: Added a prototype for constructing weights from a list of shapely Polygons
* :ghissue:`810`: DistanceBand fails to accept custom ids
* :ghissue:`811`: DistanceBand should correctly handle named weights
* :ghissue:`780`: Doctests failing on travis
* :ghissue:`801`: ImportError: No module named scipy.spatial
* :ghissue:`808`: Dev
* :ghissue:`807`: Updating contrib docs and bumping version for dev
* :ghissue:`797`: working moran plot func