GitHub stats for 2015/07/29 - 2016/01/27
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
The following 13 authors contributed 216 commits.
* Dani Arribas-Bel
* David Folch
* Levi John Wolf
* Levi Wolf
* Philip Stephens
* Serge Rey
* Sergio Rey
* Wei Kang
* jlaura
* ljw
* ljwolf
* pedrovma
We closed a total of 86 issues, 33 pull requests and 53 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script
Pull Requests (33):
* :ghpull:`724`: add synchronization tool
* :ghpull:`733`: Fb/bump
* :ghpull:`731`: Small docfixes
* :ghpull:`730`: Contrib docs
* :ghpull:`728`: B179
* :ghpull:`727`: Geodf io
* :ghpull:`725`: try pinning scipy,numpy
* :ghpull:`723`: make sure to test all moran classes
* :ghpull:`720`: Moving natural breaks to a cleaner kmeans implementation
* :ghpull:`718`: force counts to be same length as bins
* :ghpull:`714`: Dev
* :ghpull:`715`: Heads
* :ghpull:`713`: Enh712
* :ghpull:`710`: Patsy/Pandas wrapper
* :ghpull:`711`: Travis fixes
* :ghpull:`706`: precommit hook
* :ghpull:`707`: Keep dev updated with any bugfixes into master
* :ghpull:`702`: fix for chi2 test 0 denominator and invocation of chi2 test in LISA_Markov
* :ghpull:`704`: Allcloser
* :ghpull:`703`: Swapping to Allclose and RTOL=.00005 in spreg
* :ghpull:`701`: By col array
* :ghpull:`700`: small optimization of bivariate moran motivated by 695
* :ghpull:`696`: Pypi
* :ghpull:`691`: Update doctest for one-off bug that was fixed with 690
* :ghpull:`690`: fix for lisa markov one off for significance indicator
* :ghpull:`689`: Clpy flex w
* :ghpull:`688`: pep 8 edits
* :ghpull:`687`: Change array assertions into allclose
* :ghpull:`686`: Moran local bivariate
* :ghpull:`684`: 591
* :ghpull:`682`: release instructions updated
* :ghpull:`681`: version bump for next dev cycle
* :ghpull:`680`: Rel1.10
Issues (53):
* :ghissue:`705`: spreg check valve
* :ghissue:`344`: Explore new dependency on ogr
* :ghissue:`459`: Problem with bandwidth
* :ghissue:`552`: Viz organization
* :ghissue:`491`: Test np.allclose() for unit tests
* :ghissue:`529`: Clarity needed on proper reference formatting in sphinx docs
* :ghissue:`699`: Trouble importing pysal - ImportError: DLL load failed
* :ghissue:`716`: `min_threshold_dist_from_shapefile` creating an island in some cases
* :ghissue:`724`: add synchronization tool
* :ghissue:`733`: Fb/bump
* :ghissue:`731`: Small docfixes
* :ghissue:`730`: Contrib docs
* :ghissue:`719`: pysal not working with matplotlib v1.5 for plot_lisa_cluster, plot_choropleth, etc.
* :ghissue:`728`: B179
* :ghissue:`727`: Geodf io
* :ghissue:`725`: try pinning scipy,numpy
* :ghissue:`723`: make sure to test all moran classes
* :ghissue:`720`: Moving natural breaks to a cleaner kmeans implementation
* :ghissue:`717`: esda.mapclassify return problematic counts when there is 0 occurrence in the last class
* :ghissue:`718`: force counts to be same length as bins
* :ghissue:`714`: Dev
* :ghissue:`712`: `block_weights` does not take argument `idVariable`
* :ghissue:`715`: Heads
* :ghissue:`713`: Enh712
* :ghissue:`710`: Patsy/Pandas wrapper
* :ghissue:`711`: Travis fixes
* :ghissue:`706`: precommit hook
* :ghissue:`708`: 2-3: is six a dependency or do we ship it?
* :ghissue:`707`: Keep dev updated with any bugfixes into master
* :ghissue:`702`: fix for chi2 test 0 denominator and invocation of chi2 test in LISA_Markov
* :ghissue:`704`: Allcloser
* :ghissue:`703`: Swapping to Allclose and RTOL=.00005 in spreg
* :ghissue:`698`: Py3merge
* :ghissue:`701`: By col array
* :ghissue:`700`: small optimization of bivariate moran motivated by 695
* :ghissue:`695`: Bivariate global moran's I formula
* :ghissue:`683`: Py3 Conversion Project
* :ghissue:`694`: Allclose in SPREG
* :ghissue:`696`: Pypi
* :ghissue:`691`: Update doctest for one-off bug that was fixed with 690
* :ghissue:`693`: Trouble installation: No module named 'shapes'
* :ghissue:`690`: fix for lisa markov one off for significance indicator
* :ghissue:`689`: Clpy flex w
* :ghissue:`688`: pep 8 edits
* :ghissue:`685`: BV Lisa
* :ghissue:`687`: Change array assertions into allclose
* :ghissue:`686`: Moran local bivariate
* :ghissue:`677`: Make meta importable from base
* :ghissue:`684`: 591
* :ghissue:`682`: release instructions updated
* :ghissue:`679`: bug
* :ghissue:`681`: version bump for next dev cycle
* :ghissue:`680`: Rel1.10