* Allow use of new Instrument kwarg, `inst_id` (replaces `sat_id`)
* Allow limited use of new list_files kwarg, `file_cadance`
* Added support for `pysat.params['data_dirs']`, the replacement
for `pysat.data_dir` in pysat 3.0.0
* Deprecation warnings added to:
* Instrument class (old meta labels, `sat_id`, `default`, `multi_file_day`,
`manual_org`, and `_filter_datetime_input`, `data_dir`)
* pysat.instruments.methods.general.list_files kwarg
* pysat.instruments.methods.testing.generate_times kwarg `sat_id`
* Constellation class kwarg `name`
* Custom class
* functions from `_files` class
* functions from `ssnl` module
* Instrument modules:
* the pysatCDAAC: cosmic_gps
* the pysatIncubator: champ_star, demeter_iap, superdarn_grdex,
* the pysatMadrigal: jro_isr, dmsp_ivm
* the pysatSpaceWeather: sw_dst, sw_f107, sw_kp
* the pysatModels: ucar_tiegcm
* the pysatNASA: cnofs_ivm, cnofs_plp, cnofs_vefi, de2_lang, de2_nacs,
de2_rpa, de2_wats, icon_euv, icon_fuv, icon_ivm, icon_might, iss_fpmu,
omni_hro, rocsat1_ivm, sport_ivm, timed_saber, timed_see
* The usage of a numeric string for `sat_id` to specify number of points
in test instruments
* SpaceWeather, Incubator (DEMETER), Madrigal, CDAWeb, and ICON instrument
* The DE2 and ICON Constellation objects
* pysat.utils.set_data_dir
* Documentation
* Updated docstrings with deprecation notes
* Bug Fix
* Closes files after download in NASA CDAWeb methods
* Updated the ICON constellation object to reflect new instrument standards
* Added version cap for numpy