* New Features
* `pysatData` directory created in user's home directory if no directory
* Added preliminary support for `xarray` to the `instrument` object
* Support for `today`, `tomorrow`, and `yesterday` as datetime objects
* Added `model_utils`, featuring preliminary support for data-model
* Added support for 1d median in seasonal averages
* Added routine to convert from kp to Ap
* Added `pyglow` integration support for python 3.x
* Added option to check that loaded data has a unique and monotonic time
index. Will be enforced in a future version.
* Refactored data access through the Instrument object and expanded testing.
* Added .empty attribute to Instrument object, True when no data loaded.
* Added .index access mechanism to Instrument object, providing consistent
access to the pandas DatetimeIndex associated with loaded data.
* Added mechanism to return a list of loaded variables, .variables.
* Added Instrument method to concat input data with data already loaded into
Instrument object.
* Updated format of printed dates to day month name and year,
01 January 2001.
* Added Instrument property .date, returns date of loaded data.
* Added download_updated_files, Instrument method that downloads any remote
data not currently on the local machine.
* Added remote_date_range, an Instrument method that returns first and last
date for remote data.
* Download method now defaults to most recent data (near now).
* Improves input handling for datetime parameters that are more precise than
just year, month, and day, where appropriate
* Added merging routines to allow combination of measured and forecasted Kp
and F10.7 indexes into a single instrument object
* Files class internally refactored to improve robustness.
* Added feature to handle delimited filenames, in addition to fixed_width
* Exposed methods to allow users to more easily benefit from features in
Files. Used to support remote_file_lists and make data downloads more
* Expanded testing with Files.
* Updated keyword names to be more complete. 'sec' to 'second', etc.
* Updated Files access mechanisms to remove deprecated calls and improve
* Code restructure
* Moved instrument templates and methods to subdirectories
* Moved utils into multiple subdirectories to aid with organization
* Instrument Updates
* NASA CDAWeb download now uses https protocol rather than FTP
* `_instrument.py` supports xarray
* Support for listing files from remote server
* COSMIC RO data unified into single instrument object
* Added support for DEMETER IAP
* Added support for DMSP IVM Level 2 data. Uses OpenMadrigal.
* Added routines to update DMSP ephemeris and drifts
* Added warnings to instruments without download support
* Added preliminary support for ICON FUV and MIGHTI
* Added support for Jicamarca Radio Observatory ISR
* Added support for F10.7 and more Kp forecast products
* Added instrument templates for Madrigal, CDAWeb, and netcdf_pandas
* Added support for TIMED SABER
* Added support for UCAR TIEGCM
* OMNI HRO instrument now uses CDAWeb methods
* Switched download methods for CDAWeb and COSMIC data to use `requests`
* Added Madrigal methods
* Removed support for SuperDARN and SuperMAG downloads while server changes
are sorted out
* Updates to travis configuration
* Tests run for python 2.7 and 3.7
* Added display port to test plots
* Updates to community docs
* Added Issue templates
* Added Pull Request Template
* Added note for PR to be made to develop, not master
* Style updates throughout
* Consistent documentation for docstrings and instruments
* Cleaned up commented code lines
* PEP8 scrub
* Documentation
* Added FAQ section
* Added "powered by pysat" logo
* Updated supported instruments
* Unit Test Updates
* Dropped instrument templates from coverage
* Added multiple output options for `pysat_testing` object to aid with
constellation tests. Removed old constellation test objects.
* Added test data for space weather indices to speed up testing
* Cyclic data for test instruments now generated from single test method
* Test objects for xarray added
* Added test for parsed delimited files
* Removed ftp downloads from travis tests, still will run locally
* Bug fixes
* `pandas.ix` notation replaced with `pandas.loc` and `pandas.iloc`
* Fixed a bug that forced user into interactive mode in `ssnl.plot`
* Bug fixes and cleanup in demo codes
* Fix for orbit iteration when less than one orbit of data exists. Fix now
covers multiple days with less than one orbit.
* Fixed a bug in python 3.7 caused by change in behaviour of StopIteration
* Update to use of `len` on xarray to handle new behaviour (130)
* Updated import of reload statements now that python 3.3 has reached end of
* Updated deprecated behaviour of `get_duplicates`, `.apply`, and `.to_csv`
when using pandas
* Fixed bug in assigning units to metadata (162)
* Fixed timing bug introduced by reading only the first date/data pair from
each line in the 45-day file data blocks