- Added *linkcheck* task to ``tox.ini``, :pr:`456`
- Updated configuration for Sphinx and ReadTheDocs, :pr:`455`
- Note that templates and the generated boilerplate code is 0BSD-licensed, :pr:`461`
- Added 0BSD license template
- Added ``CONTRIBUTING.rst`` template, :issue:`376`
- Added PyScaffold badge to ``README`` template, :issue:`473`
- Updated Cirrus CI config and templates, including better ``coveralls`` integration, :issue:`449`
- Adopted global ``isolated_build`` for ``tox`` configuration, :issue:`483`, :pr:`491`
- Loop counter explicitly marked as unused in ``skeleton.py`` (``flake8-bugbear B007``), :pr:`495`
- Ensure update include added extensions in ``setup.cfg``, :pr:`496`