- Cookiecutter, Django and Travis extensions extracted to their own repositories, :issue:`175` and :issue:`355`
- Support for Python 3.4 and 3.5 dropped, :issue:`226`
- Dropped deprecated ``requirements.txt`` file, :issue:`182`
- Added support for global configuration (avoid retyping common ``putup``'s options), :issue:`236`
- PyScaffold is no longer a build-time dependency, it just generates the project structure
- Removed ``contrib`` subpackage, vendorized packages are now runtime dependencies, :pr:`290`
- ``setuptools_scm`` is included by default in ``setup.cfg``, ``setup.py`` and ``pyproject.toml``
- API changed to use ``pyscaffold.operations`` instead of integer flags, :pr:`271`
- Allow ``string.Template`` and ``callable`` as file contents in project structure, :pr:`295`
- Extract file system functions from ``utils.py`` into ``file_system.py``
- Extract identification/naming functions from ``utils.py`` into ``identification.py``
- Extract action related functions from ``api/__init__.py`` to ``actions.py``
- ``helpers.{modify,ensure,reject}`` moved to ``structure.py``
- ``helpers.{register,unregister}`` moved to ``actions.py``
- New extension for automatically creating virtual environments (``--venv``)
- Added instructions to use ``pip-tools`` to docs
- ``pre-commit`` extension now attempts to install hooks automatically
- A nice message is now displayed when PyScaffold finishes running (``actions.report_done``)
- Removed mutually exclusive argparse groups for extensions, :pr:`315`
- Progressive type annotations adopted in the code base together with mypy linting
- Simplified isort config
- ``pyproject.toml`` and isolated builds adopted by default, :issue:`256`
- Added comment to ``setup.cfg`` template instructing about extra links, :issue:`268`
- Generate ``tox.ini`` by default, :issue:`296`
- Replace ``pkg_resources`` with ``importlib.{metadata,resources}`` and ``packaging``, :issue:`309`
- Adopt PEP 420 for namespaces, :issue:`218`
- Adopt SPDX identifiers for the license field in ``setup.cfg``, :issue:`319`
- Removed deprecated ``log.configure_logger``
- Add links to issues and pull requests to changelog, :pr:`363`
- Add an experimental ``--interactive`` *mode* (inspired by ``git rebase -i``), :issue:`191`
(additional discussion: :pr:`333`, :pr:`325`, :pr:`362`)
- Reorganise the **FAQ** (including version questions previously in **Features**)
- Updated ``setuptools`` and ``setuptools_scm`` dependencies to minimal versions 46.1 and 5, respectively
- Adopted ``no-guess-dev`` version scheme from ``setuptools_scm`` (semantically all stays the same, but
non-tag commits are now versioned ``LAST_TAG.post1.devN`` instead of ``LAST_TAG.post0.devN``)
- Fix problem of not showing detailed log with ``--verbose`` if error happens when loading extensions :issue:`378`