* Added
- KMP2 2-particle density matrix
- PBC J, K matrices module rsjk (RangeSeparationJKBuilder)
- Eigenvector analyzer for IP and EA, RADC and UADC
- Analytical nuclear gradients for state-average CASSCF
- Support SO3 symmetry
- density fitting GMP2
- G0W0 approximations (analytic continuation, contour deformation)
- Auxiliary second-order Green's function perturbation theory (AGF2)
- Smearing for molecules
- Visscher small component correction approximation for DHF
* Improved
- Threading safety in Mole temporary context
- Basis parser to support arithmetic expressions in basis data
- dmrgci interface refactored
- MP2 gradients performance
- Interface of polariazable embedding with integral batching
- Electron-phonon Hamiltonian module refactored
- Remove memorization of Ewald parameters.
- molden dumper refactored
* Fixed
- stack overflow in ecp integral code
- SCAN functional crashing problem
- Ghost atoms for IAOs/IBOs
- Fix fractional occupations for case of zero beta electrons
- mcscf project_init_guess
- Symmetry verification bug when deducting subgroup
- Mole.set_geom_ bug
- GDF with non-zero drop_eta (for diffused auxiliary basis)
- Paddings in KMP2 when remove_linear_dep_ is applied
- SC-NEVPT2 Sijr Srsi