* Added
- k-CCSD density matrix
- k-CCSD(T) with core frozen
- sgX method (a pseudo-spectral method like COSX)
- pre_kernel and post_kernel hooks in SCF driver
- Left eigenvectors of IP/EA-CCSD for molecular code
- Methods EOM-IP/EA-KCCSD(T) T*(a), EOM-IP/EA-KRCCSD(T) T*(a)
- KCCSD function spatial2spin that transforms amplitudes in spatial orbital
representation to that in spin-orbital representation
- Support of RSH functionals in methods DF and sgX
- Add RSH functionals for all PBC DFT methods
- Semi-empirical method MINDO/3
- Analytical nuclear gradients with density-fitting
- Analytical nuclear hessian with density-fitting
- Thermo-chemistry and frequency analysis
- Huckel HF/KS initial guess
- QM/MM with implicit solvent
- Spin-Orbit ECP integrals
- Geometry optimization for state-average MCSCF method
- cube file parser
- Orbital localization methods VVO and LIVVO
* Improved
- Optimized regular get_j and density-fitting get_j
- Faster k-CCSD(T)
- Davidson diagonalization for multi-roots
- memory usage in CCSD
- Molecular orientation does not need to be changed when symmetry is enabled
- Performance of density fitting initialization
- Performance of JK-build function
- Using direct_spin1 as the default FCI solver
- Performance of SOSCF method (by using the direct-SCF technique)
- Performance of semi-incore AO-MO integral transformation
* Bugfix
- Carbon ANO data
- Initial guess for EOM-KCCSD
- state-average CASSCF analytical nuclear gradients
- ddCOSMO self-consistency (as fast solvent) for post-SCF methods
- range-separation parameter omega customization in RSH functionals