
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed daily CI tests against PyPi.


- Some tests were fixed as they were in a failing state from a old file reformatting.
- pytest-xdist compatibility was fixed for latest major version: 2.0. The bad terminologies (slaves and masters) were removed.
- Deprecated support of pytest-xdist <2.0, will be dropped on pytest-django-queries 2.0 release.
- Official compatibility for Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5 was dropped as many dependencies are no longer supporting those versions. Use this plugin on those Python versions at your own risk.



- The cli tools now display the number of duplicated queries.



- Released the stable v1.0.0 release without any changes.



- Added support for running tests into multiple workers (``pytest-xdist``).



- Renamed the marker description to be more meaningful about was it does.
- Fixed a typo in the project description (PyPi and GitHub).
- Added help texts for named parameters in the cli.
- Fixed the wrong help text saying it is taking an integer when it actually expects a file path.
- Users can now mark tests without having the ``count_queries`` fixture injected automatically if a custom order or manual usage is needed.
- Added a better filtering of unwanted keywords in humanization of test names. It now handles test cases names inside modules (dotted import names).
- Added a ``backup`` command to ``django-queries`` to make it easier of making a copy of the current results.

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