
Latest version: v1.1.0

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- Users can now backup/copy their previous results using the ``--django-backup-queries`` parameter when running ``pytest``.
- The HTML cli command now exports to ``django-queries-results.html`` by default instead of ``stdout``, instead, users have to run ``django-queries html -`` for the output to go in ``stdout``.
- The code now enforces the Black code style and Flake 8 checks in addition to isort.



- Implement a ``diff`` command for comparing results.



- The requirements that could generate any diverging results between installation have now been freeze.
- A "Read The Docs" documentation has been made and published.
- Guides on how to release and contribute have been added.
- The HTML template has been moved to its own file under the package directory as ``templates/default_bootstrap.jinja2``.
- The Cli commands are now taking optionally the report path file, so it can now be omitted.



- In 12, stopped storing the benchmark results in a file named after the current date and time.
Instead, it will always save into ``.django-queries`` and won't contain a ``json`` file extension
anymore to make it less appealing as it's not meant to be read by a human.
- In 12, dropped the environment variable ``PYTEST_QUERIES_SAVE_PATH`` and replaced
and introduced the ``--django-db-bench PATH`` option instead, which does exactly the same thing.



- Introduced the cli (3) with two commands:

- ``show`` that process a given benchmark result to render a summary table
- ``html`` render the table in HTML, the template can be customized using ``--template <path>``



- The plugin is now able to support multiple pytest sessions without conflicting (1)
- The plugin non-longer benchmarks everything but instead, the user is charged to manually flag each test as to be or not to be benchmarked (1).

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