**Incompatible changes**
A number of incompatible changes were made in this release, with the intent of removing features deprecated for a long
time or change existing behaviors in order to make them less surprising/more useful.
* Reinterpretation mode has now been removed. Only plain and rewrite
mode are available, consequently the ``--assert=reinterp`` option is
no longer available. This also means files imported from plugins or
``conftest.py`` will not benefit from improved assertions by
default, you should use ``pytest.register_assert_rewrite()`` to
explicitly turn on assertion rewriting for those files. Thanks
:user:`flub` for the PR.
* The following deprecated commandline options were removed:
* ``--genscript``: no longer supported;
* ``--no-assert``: use ``--assert=plain`` instead;
* ``--nomagic``: use ``--assert=plain`` instead;
* ``--report``: use ``-r`` instead;
Thanks to :user:`RedBeardCode` for the PR (:pr:`1664`).
* ImportErrors in plugins now are a fatal error instead of issuing a
pytest warning (:issue:`1479`). Thanks to :user:`The-Compiler` for the PR.
* Removed support code for Python 3 versions < 3.3 (:pr:`1627`).
* Removed all ``py.test-X*`` entry points. The versioned, suffixed entry points
were never documented and a leftover from a pre-virtualenv era. These entry
points also created broken entry points in wheels, so removing them also
removes a source of confusion for users (:issue:`1632`).
Thanks :user:`obestwalter` for the PR.
* ``pytest.skip()`` now raises an error when used to decorate a test function,
as opposed to its original intent (to imperatively skip a test inside a test function). Previously
this usage would cause the entire module to be skipped (:issue:`607`).
Thanks :user:`omarkohl` for the complete PR (:pr:`1519`).
* Exit tests if a collection error occurs. A poll indicated most users will hit CTRL-C
anyway as soon as they see collection errors, so pytest might as well make that the default behavior (:issue:`1421`).
A ``--continue-on-collection-errors`` option has been added to restore the previous behaviour.
Thanks :user:`olegpidsadnyi` and :user:`omarkohl` for the complete PR (:pr:`1628`).
* Renamed the pytest ``pdb`` module (plugin) into ``debugging`` to avoid clashes with the builtin ``pdb`` module.
* Raise a helpful failure message when requesting a parametrized fixture at runtime,
e.g. with ``request.getfixturevalue``. Previously these parameters were simply
never defined, so a fixture decorated like ``pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2])``
only ran once (:pr:`460`).
Thanks to :user:`nikratio` for the bug report, :user:`RedBeardCode` and :user:`tomviner` for the PR.
* ``_pytest.monkeypatch.monkeypatch`` class has been renamed to ``_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch``
so it doesn't conflict with the ``monkeypatch`` fixture.
* ``--exitfirst / -x`` can now be overridden by a following ``--maxfail=N``
and is just a synonym for ``--maxfail=1``.
**New Features**
* Support nose-style ``__test__`` attribute on methods of classes,
including unittest-style Classes. If set to ``False``, the test will not be
* New ``doctest_namespace`` fixture for injecting names into the
namespace in which doctests run.
Thanks :user:`milliams` for the complete PR (:pr:`1428`).
* New ``--doctest-report`` option available to change the output format of diffs
when running (failing) doctests (implements :issue:`1749`).
Thanks :user:`hartym` for the PR.
* New ``name`` argument to ``pytest.fixture`` decorator which allows a custom name
for a fixture (to solve the funcarg-shadowing-fixture problem).
Thanks :user:`novas0x2a` for the complete PR (:pr:`1444`).
* New ``approx()`` function for easily comparing floating-point numbers in
Thanks :user:`kalekundert` for the complete PR (:pr:`1441`).
* Ability to add global properties in the final xunit output file by accessing
the internal ``junitxml`` plugin (experimental).
Thanks :user:`tareqalayan` for the complete PR :pr:`1454`).
* New ``ExceptionInfo.match()`` method to match a regular expression on the
string representation of an exception (:issue:`372`).
Thanks :user:`omarkohl` for the complete PR (:pr:`1502`).
* ``__tracebackhide__`` can now also be set to a callable which then can decide
whether to filter the traceback based on the ``ExceptionInfo`` object passed
to it. Thanks :user:`The-Compiler` for the complete PR (:pr:`1526`).
* New ``pytest_make_parametrize_id(config, val)`` hook which can be used by plugins to provide
friendly strings for custom types.
Thanks :user:`palaviv` for the PR.
* ``capsys`` and ``capfd`` now have a ``disabled()`` context-manager method, which
can be used to temporarily disable capture within a test.
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* New cli flag ``--fixtures-per-test``: shows which fixtures are being used
for each selected test item. Features doc strings of fixtures by default.
Can also show where fixtures are defined if combined with ``-v``.
Thanks :user:`hackebrot` for the PR.
* Introduce ``pytest`` command as recommended entry point. Note that ``py.test``
still works and is not scheduled for removal. Closes proposal
:issue:`1629`. Thanks :user:`obestwalter` and :user:`davehunt` for the complete PR
* New cli flags:
+ ``--setup-plan``: performs normal collection and reports
the potential setup and teardown and does not execute any fixtures and tests;
+ ``--setup-only``: performs normal collection, executes setup and teardown of
fixtures and reports them;
+ ``--setup-show``: performs normal test execution and additionally shows
setup and teardown of fixtures;
+ ``--keep-duplicates``: py.test now ignores duplicated paths given in the command
line. To retain the previous behavior where the same test could be run multiple
times by specifying it in the command-line multiple times, pass the ``--keep-duplicates``
argument (:issue:`1609`);
Thanks :user:`d6e`, :user:`kvas-it`, :user:`sallner`, :user:`ioggstream` and :user:`omarkohl` for the PRs.
* New CLI flag ``--override-ini``/``-o``: overrides values from the ini file.
For example: ``"-o xfail_strict=True"``'.
Thanks :user:`blueyed` and :user:`fengxx` for the PR.
* New hooks:
+ ``pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request)``: executes fixture setup;
+ ``pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef)``: called after the fixture's
finalizer and has access to the fixture's result cache.
Thanks :user:`d6e`, :user:`sallner`.
* Issue warnings for asserts whose test is a tuple literal. Such asserts will
never fail because tuples are always truthy and are usually a mistake
(see :issue:`1562`). Thanks :user:`kvas-it`, for the PR.
* Allow passing a custom debugger class (e.g. ``--pdbcls=IPython.core.debugger:Pdb``).
Thanks to :user:`anntzer` for the PR.
* Plugins now benefit from assertion rewriting. Thanks
:user:`sober7`, :user:`nicoddemus` and :user:`flub` for the PR.
* Change ``report.outcome`` for ``xpassed`` tests to ``"passed"`` in non-strict
mode and ``"failed"`` in strict mode. Thanks to :user:`hackebrot` for the PR
(:pr:`1795`) and :user:`gprasad84` for report (:issue:`1546`).
* Tests marked with ``xfail(strict=False)`` (the default) now appear in
JUnitXML reports as passing tests instead of skipped.
Thanks to :user:`hackebrot` for the PR (:pr:`1795`).
* Highlight path of the file location in the error report to make it easier to copy/paste.
Thanks :user:`suzaku` for the PR (:pr:`1778`).
* Fixtures marked with ``pytest.fixture`` can now use ``yield`` statements exactly like
those marked with the ``pytest.yield_fixture`` decorator. This change renders
``pytest.yield_fixture`` deprecated and makes ``pytest.fixture`` with ``yield`` statements
the preferred way to write teardown code (:pr:`1461`).
Thanks :user:`csaftoiu` for bringing this to attention and :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* Explicitly passed parametrize ids do not get escaped to ascii (:issue:`1351`).
Thanks :user:`ceridwen` for the PR.
* Fixtures are now sorted in the error message displayed when an unknown
fixture is declared in a test function.
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* ``pytest_terminal_summary`` hook now receives the ``exitstatus``
of the test session as argument. Thanks :user:`blueyed` for the PR (:pr:`1809`).
* Parametrize ids can accept ``None`` as specific test id, in which case the
automatically generated id for that argument will be used.
Thanks :user:`palaviv` for the complete PR (:pr:`1468`).
* The parameter to xunit-style setup/teardown methods (``setup_method``,
``setup_module``, etc.) is now optional and may be omitted.
Thanks :user:`okken` for bringing this to attention and :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* Improved automatic id generation selection in case of duplicate ids in
Thanks :user:`palaviv` for the complete PR (:pr:`1474`).
* Now pytest warnings summary is shown up by default. Added a new flag
``--disable-pytest-warnings`` to explicitly disable the warnings summary (:issue:`1668`).
* Make ImportError during collection more explicit by reminding
the user to check the name of the test module/package(s) (:issue:`1426`).
Thanks :user:`omarkohl` for the complete PR (:pr:`1520`).
* Add ``build/`` and ``dist/`` to the default ``--norecursedirs`` list. Thanks
:user:`mikofski` for the report and :user:`tomviner` for the PR (:issue:`1544`).
* ``pytest.raises`` in the context manager form accepts a custom
``message`` to raise when no exception occurred.
Thanks :user:`palaviv` for the complete PR (:pr:`1616`).
* ``conftest.py`` files now benefit from assertion rewriting; previously it
was only available for test modules. Thanks :user:`flub`, :user:`sober7` and
:user:`nicoddemus` for the PR (:issue:`1619`).
* Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped".
Thanks :user:`graingert` for reporting and providing a full PR (:pr:`1580`).
* Ensure that a module within a namespace package can be found when it
is specified on the command line together with the ``--pyargs``
option. Thanks to :user:`taschini` for the PR (:pr:`1597`).
* Always include full assertion explanation during assertion rewriting. The previous behaviour was hiding
sub-expressions that happened to be ``False``, assuming this was redundant information.
Thanks :user:`bagerard` for reporting (:issue:`1503`). Thanks to :user:`davehunt` and
:user:`tomviner` for the PR.
* ``OptionGroup.addoption()`` now checks if option names were already
added before, to make it easier to track down issues like :issue:`1618`.
Before, you only got exceptions later from ``argparse`` library,
giving no clue about the actual reason for double-added options.
* ``yield``-based tests are considered deprecated and will be removed in pytest-4.0.
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* ``[pytest]`` sections in ``setup.cfg`` files should now be named ``[tool:pytest]``
to avoid conflicts with other distutils commands (see :pr:`567`). ``[pytest]`` sections in
``pytest.ini`` or ``tox.ini`` files are supported and unchanged.
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* Using ``pytest_funcarg__`` prefix to declare fixtures is considered deprecated and will be
removed in pytest-4.0 (:pr:`1684`).
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* Passing a command-line string to ``pytest.main()`` is considered deprecated and scheduled
for removal in pytest-4.0. It is recommended to pass a list of arguments instead (:pr:`1723`).
* Rename ``getfuncargvalue`` to ``getfixturevalue``. ``getfuncargvalue`` is
still present but is now considered deprecated. Thanks to :user:`RedBeardCode` and :user:`tomviner`
for the PR (:pr:`1626`).
* ``optparse`` type usage now triggers DeprecationWarnings (:issue:`1740`).
* ``optparse`` backward compatibility supports float/complex types (:issue:`457`).
* Refined logic for determining the ``rootdir``, considering only valid
paths which fixes a number of issues: :issue:`1594`, :issue:`1435` and :issue:`1471`.
Updated the documentation according to current behavior. Thanks to
:user:`blueyed`, :user:`davehunt` and :user:`matthiasha` for the PR.
* Always include full assertion explanation. The previous behaviour was hiding
sub-expressions that happened to be False, assuming this was redundant information.
Thanks :user:`bagerard` for reporting (:issue:`1503`). Thanks to :user:`davehunt` and
:user:`tomviner` for PR.
* Better message in case of not using parametrized variable (see :issue:`1539`).
Thanks to :user:`tramwaj29` for the PR.
* Updated docstrings with a more uniform style.
* Add stderr write for ``pytest.exit(msg)`` during startup. Previously the message was never shown.
Thanks :user:`BeyondEvil` for reporting :issue:`1210`. Thanks to jgsonesen and
:user:`tomviner` for the PR.
* No longer display the incorrect test deselection reason (:issue:`1372`).
Thanks :user:`ronnypfannschmidt` for the PR.
* The ``--resultlog`` command line option has been deprecated: it is little used
and there are more modern and better alternatives (see :issue:`830`).
Thanks :user:`nicoddemus` for the PR.
* Improve error message with fixture lookup errors: add an 'E' to the first
line and '>' to the rest. Fixes :issue:`717`. Thanks :user:`blueyed` for reporting and
a PR, :user:`eolo999` for the initial PR and :user:`tomviner` for his guidance during
EuroPython2016 sprint.
**Bug Fixes**
* Parametrize now correctly handles duplicated test ids.
* Fix internal error issue when the ``method`` argument is missing for
``teardown_method()`` (:issue:`1605`).
* Fix exception visualization in case the current working directory (CWD) gets
deleted during testing (:issue:`1235`). Thanks :user:`bukzor` for reporting. PR by
* Improve test output for logical expression with brackets (:issue:`925`).
Thanks :user:`DRMacIver` for reporting and :user:`RedBeardCode` for the PR.
* Create correct diff for strings ending with newlines (:issue:`1553`).
Thanks :user:`Vogtinator` for reporting and :user:`RedBeardCode` and
:user:`tomviner` for the PR.
* ``ConftestImportFailure`` now shows the traceback making it easier to
identify bugs in ``conftest.py`` files (:pr:`1516`). Thanks :user:`txomon` for
the PR.
* Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped".
Thanks :user:`graingert` for reporting and providing a full PR (:pr:`1580`).
* Fixed collection of classes with custom ``__new__`` method.
Fixes :issue:`1579`. Thanks to :user:`Stranger6667` for the PR.
* Fixed scope overriding inside metafunc.parametrize (:issue:`634`).
Thanks to :user:`Stranger6667` for the PR.
* Fixed the total tests tally in junit xml output (:pr:`1798`).
Thanks to :user:`cboelsen` for the PR.
* Fixed off-by-one error with lines from ``request.node.warn``.
Thanks to :user:`blueyed` for the PR.