
Latest version: v8.3.5

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Bug Fixes

- `10452 <>`_: Fix '' deprecation warning in Python 3.12.

- `10457 <>`_: If a test is skipped from inside a fixture, the test summary now shows the test location instead of the fixture location.

- `10506 <>`_: Fix bug where sometimes pytest would use the file system root directory as :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>` on Windows.

- `10607 <>`_: Fix a race condition when creating junitxml reports, which could occur when multiple instances of pytest execute in parallel.

- `10641 <>`_: Fix a race condition when creating or updating the stepwise plugin's cache, which could occur when multiple xdist worker nodes try to simultaneously update the stepwise plugin's cache.




- `10012 <>`_: Update ``pytest.PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning`` to a deprecation; it will raise an error in pytest 8.

- `10396 <>`_: pytest no longer depends on the ``py`` library. ``pytest`` provides a vendored copy of ``py.error`` and ``py.path`` modules but will use the ``py`` library if it is installed. If you need other ``py.*`` modules, continue to install the deprecated ``py`` library separately, otherwise it can usually be removed as a dependency.

- `4562 <>`_: Deprecate configuring hook specs/impls using attributes/marks.

Instead use :py:func:`pytest.hookimpl` and :py:func:`pytest.hookspec`.
For more details, see the :ref:`docs <legacy-path-hooks-deprecated>`.

- `9886 <>`_: The functionality for running tests written for ``nose`` has been officially deprecated.

This includes:

* Plain ``setup`` and ``teardown`` functions and methods: this might catch users by surprise, as ``setup()`` and ``teardown()`` are not pytest idioms, but part of the ``nose`` support.
* Setup/teardown using the `with_setup <with-setup-nose>`_ decorator.

For more details, consult the :ref:`deprecation docs <nose-deprecation>`.

.. _`with-setup-nose`:

- `7337 <>`_: A deprecation warning is now emitted if a test function returns something other than `None`. This prevents a common mistake among beginners that expect that returning a `bool` (for example `return foo(a, b) == result`) would cause a test to pass or fail, instead of using `assert`. The plan is to make returning non-`None` from tests an error in the future.


- `9897 <>`_: Added shell-style wildcard support to ``testpaths``.


- `10218 <>`_: ``pytest.mark.parametrize()`` (and similar functions) now accepts any ``Sequence[str]`` for the argument names,
instead of just ``list[str]`` and ``tuple[str, ...]``.

(Note that ``str``, which is itself a ``Sequence[str]``, is still treated as a
comma-delimited name list, as before).

- `10381 <>`_: The ``--no-showlocals`` flag has been added. This can be passed directly to tests to override ``--showlocals`` declared through ``addopts``.

- `3426 <>`_: Assertion failures with strings in NFC and NFD forms that normalize to the same string now have a dedicated error message detailing the issue, and their utf-8 representation is expressed instead.

- `8508 <>`_: Introduce multiline display for warning matching via :py:func:`pytest.warns` and
enhance match comparison for :py:func:`pytest.ExceptionInfo.match` as returned by :py:func:`pytest.raises`.

- `8646 <>`_: Improve :py:func:`pytest.raises`. Previously passing an empty tuple would give a confusing
error. We now raise immediately with a more helpful message.

- `9741 <>`_: On Python 3.11, use the standard library's :mod:`tomllib` to parse TOML.

`tomli` is no longer a dependency on Python 3.11.

- `9742 <>`_: Display assertion message without escaped newline characters with ``-vv``.

- `9823 <>`_: Improved error message that is shown when no collector is found for a given file.

- `9873 <>`_: Some coloring has been added to the short test summary.

- `9883 <>`_: Normalize the help description of all command-line options.

- `9920 <>`_: Display full crash messages in ``short test summary info``, when running in a CI environment.

- `9987 <>`_: Added support for hidden configuration file by allowing ``.pytest.ini`` as an alternative to ``pytest.ini``.

Bug Fixes

- `10150 <>`_: :data:`sys.stdin` now contains all expected methods of a file-like object when capture is enabled.

- `10382 <>`_: Do not break into pdb when ``raise unittest.SkipTest()`` appears top-level in a file.

- `7792 <>`_: Marks are now inherited according to the full MRO in test classes. Previously, if a test class inherited from two or more classes, only marks from the first super-class would apply.

When inheriting marks from super-classes, marks from the sub-classes are now ordered before marks from the super-classes, in MRO order. Previously it was the reverse.

When inheriting marks from super-classes, the `pytestmark` attribute of the sub-class now only contains the marks directly applied to it. Previously, it also contained marks from its super-classes. Please note that this attribute should not normally be accessed directly; use :func:`Node.iter_markers <_pytest.nodes.Node.iter_markers>` instead.

- `9159 <>`_: Showing inner exceptions by forcing native display in ``ExceptionGroups`` even when using display options other than ``--tb=native``. A temporary step before full implementation of pytest-native display for inner exceptions in ``ExceptionGroups``.

- `9877 <>`_: Ensure ``caplog.get_records(when)`` returns current/correct data after invoking ``caplog.clear()``.

Improved Documentation

- `10344 <>`_: Update information on writing plugins to use ``pyproject.toml`` instead of ````.

- `9248 <>`_: The documentation is now built using Sphinx 5.x (up from 3.x previously).

- `9291 <>`_: Update documentation on how :func:`pytest.warns` affects :class:`DeprecationWarning`.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `10313 <>`_: Made ``_pytest.doctest.DoctestItem`` export ``pytest.DoctestItem`` for
type check and runtime purposes. Made `_pytest.doctest` use internal APIs
to avoid circular imports.

- `9906 <>`_: Made ``_pytest.compat`` re-export ``importlib_metadata`` in the eyes of type checkers.

- `9910 <>`_: Fix default encoding warning (``EncodingWarning``) in ``cacheprovider``

- `9984 <>`_: Improve the error message when we attempt to access a fixture that has been
torn down.
Add an additional sentence to the docstring explaining when it's not a good
idea to call ``getfixturevalue``.



Bug Fixes

- `10060 <>`_: When running with ``--pdb``, ``TestCase.tearDown`` is no longer called for tests when the *class* has been skipped via ``unittest.skip`` or ``pytest.mark.skip``.

- `10190 <>`_: Invalid XML characters in setup or teardown error messages are now properly escaped for JUnit XML reports.

- `10230 <>`_: Ignore ``.py`` files created by ``pyproject.toml``-based editable builds introduced in `pip 21.3 <>`__.

- `3396 <>`_: Doctests now respect the ``--import-mode`` flag.

- `9514 <>`_: Type-annotate ``FixtureRequest.param`` as ``Any`` as a stop gap measure until :issue:`8073` is fixed.

- `9791 <>`_: Fixed a path handling code in ```` that seems to work fine, but was incorrect and fails in some systems.

- `9917 <>`_: Fixed string representation for :func:`pytest.approx` when used to compare tuples.

Improved Documentation

- `9937 <>`_: Explicit note that :fixture:`tmpdir` fixture is discouraged in favour of :fixture:`tmp_path`.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `10114 <>`_: Replace `atomicwrites <>`__ dependency on windows with `os.replace`.



Bug Fixes

- `9726 <>`_: An unnecessary ``numpy`` import inside :func:`pytest.approx` was removed.

- `9820 <>`_: Fix comparison of ``dataclasses`` with ``InitVar``.

- `9869 <>`_: Increase ``stacklevel`` for the ``NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG`` deprecation to point to the
user's code, not pytest.

- `9871 <>`_: Fix a bizarre (and fortunately rare) bug where the `temp_path` fixture could raise
an internal error while attempting to get the current user's username.



Bug Fixes

- `9767 <>`_: Fixed a regression in pytest 7.1.0 where some files outside of the source tree (e.g. in the `site-packages` directory) were not picked up.



Breaking Changes

- `8838 <>`_: As per our policy, the following features have been deprecated in the 6.X series and are now

* ``pytest._fillfuncargs`` function.

* ``pytest_warning_captured`` hook - use ``pytest_warning_recorded`` instead.

* ``-k -foobar`` syntax - use ``-k 'not foobar'`` instead.

* ``-k foobar:`` syntax.

* ``pytest.collect`` module - import from ``pytest`` directly.

For more information consult
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__ in the docs.

- `9437 <>`_: Dropped support for Python 3.6, which reached `end-of-life <>`__ at 2021-12-23.


- `5192 <>`_: Fixed test output for some data types where ``-v`` would show less information.

Also, when showing diffs for sequences, ``-q`` would produce full diffs instead of the expected diff.

- `9362 <>`_: pytest now avoids specialized assert formatting when it is detected that the default ``__eq__`` is overridden in ``attrs`` or ``dataclasses``.

- `9536 <>`_: When ``-vv`` is given on command line, show skipping and xfail reasons in full instead of truncating them to fit the terminal width.

- `9644 <>`_: More information about the location of resources that led Python to raise :class:`ResourceWarning` can now
be obtained by enabling :mod:`tracemalloc`.

See :ref:`resource-warnings` for more information.

- `9678 <>`_: More types are now accepted in the ``ids`` argument to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.
Previously only `str`, `float`, `int` and `bool` were accepted;
now `bytes`, `complex`, `re.Pattern`, `Enum` and anything with a `__name__` are also accepted.

- `9692 <>`_: :func:`pytest.approx` now raises a :class:`TypeError` when given an unordered sequence (such as :class:`set`).

Note that this implies that custom classes which only implement ``__iter__`` and ``__len__`` are no longer supported as they don't guarantee order.

Bug Fixes

- `8242 <>`_: The deprecation of raising :class:`unittest.SkipTest` to skip collection of
tests during the pytest collection phase is reverted - this is now a supported
feature again.

- `9493 <>`_: Symbolic link components are no longer resolved in conftest paths.
This means that if a conftest appears twice in collection tree, using symlinks, it will be executed twice.
For example, given

tests/link -> tests/real

running ``pytest tests`` now imports the conftest twice, once as ``tests/real/`` and once as ``tests/link/``.
This is a fix to match a similar change made to test collection itself in pytest 6.0 (see :pr:`6523` for details).

- `9626 <>`_: Fixed count of selected tests on terminal collection summary when there were errors or skipped modules.

If there were errors or skipped modules on collection, pytest would mistakenly subtract those from the selected count.

- `9645 <>`_: Fixed regression where ``--import-mode=importlib`` used together with :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` or :confval:`pythonpath` would cause import errors in test suites.

- `9708 <>`_: :fixture:`pytester` now requests a :fixture:`monkeypatch` fixture instead of creating one internally. This solves some issues with tests that involve pytest environment variables.

- `9730 <>`_: Malformed ``pyproject.toml`` files now produce a clearer error message.

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