- The already for a while now deprecated `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.InputFile`, `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.InputFileFromURL` and `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.InputFileFromDisk` can no longer be found in `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.\*`
They are now only available at `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.files.\*`, resulting in
- `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.files.InputFile`,
- `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.files.InputFileFromURL` and
- `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.files.InputFileFromDisk`.
- `.as_array()` now has a `prefer_original=False` boolean, if it should return the data this was constructed with if available. Otherwise, it will be constructed normally from the data of the object, as it was before.
- Switched from GPL to LGPL.