- Updated Official API changes of [`Bot API 3`.`1` (June 30, 2017)](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#june-30-2017)
- Added new functions:
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.restrict_chat_member`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.promote_chat_member`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.export_chat_invite_link`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.set_chat_photo`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.delete_chat_photo`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.set_chat_title`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.set_chat_description`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.pin_chat_message`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.unpin_chat_message`
- Updated `pytgbot.bot.Bot.kick_chat_member` function, added `until_date` parameter.
- Updated `pytgbot.bot.Bot.send_invoice` function, `description` parameter now _optional_.
- Updated parameter `chat_id` in game related methods to no longer allows string, so no more "username".
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.send_game`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.set_game_score`
- `pytgbot.bot.Bot.get_game_high_scores`
- Added `pytgbot.api_types.receivable.media.ChatPhoto`.
- Updated `pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer.Chat` to include the new fields:
- `photo`
- `description`
- `invite_link`
- Updated `api_types.receivable.peer.ChatMember`:
- `status` field can now also be `"restricted"`
- Added fields:
- `until_date`
- `can_be_edited`
- `can_change_info`
- `can_post_messages`
- `can_edit_messages`
- `can_delete_messages`
- `can_invite_users`
- `can_restrict_members`
- `can_pin_messages`
- `can_promote_members`
- `can_send_messages`
- `can_send_media_messages`
- `can_send_other_messages`
- `can_add_web_page_previews`
- Removed documentation saying `pytgbot.api_types.sendable.inline.InlineQueryResultCachedDocument` was limited to sending only pdf-files and zip archives.
- Also now storing the incoming (decoded json) data in the `_raw` field of the object.