* Upgrade to package `Flask` > 2 * Upgrade to `some-flask-helpers` 0.2.3
* Add `tools.get_ip_addresses_by_dns_name`
* Add field `TextArea` with lockable width * Closes [LittleBrother 174](https://github.com/marcus67/little_brother/issues/174)
* Add dependency on `python_google_speak` again * Temporarily deactivate OWASP checks * Refrain from importing module `pwd` on Windows systems * Refrain from using `signal.SIGHUP` and `pthread_sigmask` on Windows systems * Derive path of temporary directory in a platform independent way * Support command line pattern for calling audio playback executable (e.g. vlc) * Added some debugging output * Build URLs in a platform independent way
* New method `tools.get_ip_address_by_dns_name` * Improve exception handling for `RecurringTask` * Explicitly set `LANG` when calling `ping` * Extract LDAP functionality into a repository of its own * Add support for `VulScan`