* Add classes BaseUserHandler and UnixUserHandler * Optional deployment of an apparmor configuration file * Optional deployment of a tmpfiles.d configuration file * Support for template in Debian configuration * Remove old Debian file tree before build package (to remove obsolete files)
* Add Spanish localization (locale "es")
* Add Danish localization (locale "da")
Not secure
* Integrate compilation of binary Babel files (*.mo) into BUILD * Provide translations of texts in python_base_app * Provide gettext function to call Babel * Closes 6, see [here](https://github.com/marcus67/python_base_app/issues/6) * Create python_base_app/settings.py to make settings available to CI process * Add tests for module `base_ci_toolbox`
Not secure
* Add simple helper class TimingContext * Provide access method for retrieving most recent value of class MovingAverage