* Adding support for msgpack converters `to_msgpack` and `from_msgpack`
* Adding 144 support for comparision of `Box` to other boxes or dicts via the `-` sub operator (thanks to Hitz)
* Adding support to `|` union boxes like will come default in Python 3.9 from PEP 0584
* Adding `mypy` type checking, `black` formatting and other checks on commit
* Adding 148 new parameter `box_class` for cleaner inheritance (thanks to David Aronchick)
* Adding 152 `dotted` option for `keys` method to return box_dots style keys (thanks to ipcoder)
* Fixing box_dots to properly delete items from lists
* Fixing box_dots to properly find items with dots in their key
* Fixing that recast of subclassses of `Box` or `BoxList` were not fed box properties (thanks to Alexander Kapustin)
* Changing 150 that sub boxes are always created to properly propagate settings and copy objects (thanks to ipcoder)
* Changing 67 that default_box will not raise key errors on `pop` (thanks to Patrock)
* Changing `to_csv` and `from_csv` to have same string and filename options as all other transforms
* Changing 127 back to no required external imports, instead have extra requires like [all] (thanks to wim glenn)
* Changing from putting all details in README.rst to a github wiki at https://github.com/cdgriffith/Box/wiki
* Changing `BoxList.box_class` to be stored in `BoxList.box_options` dict as `box_class`
* Changing `del` will raise `BoxKeyError`, subclass of both `KeyError` and `BoxError`
* Removing support for single level circular references
* Removing readthedocs generation
* Removing overrides for `keys`, `values` and `items` which will return views again