* Adding `ordered_box` option to keep key order based on insertion (thanks to pwwang) * Adding custom `__iter__`, `__revered__`, `pop`, `popitems` * Fixing ordering of camel_case_killer vs default_box (thanks to Matan Rosenberg) * Fixing non string keys not being supported correctly (thanks to Matt Wisniewski)
* Fixing `__contains__` (thanks to Jiang Chen) * Fixing `get` could return non box objects
* Adding `copy` and `deepcopy` support that with return a Box object * Adding support for customizable safe attr replacement * Adding custom error for missing keys * Changing that for this 3.x release, 2.6 support exists * Fixing that a recursion loop could occur if `_box_config` was somehow removed * Fixing pickling
* Fixing first level recursion errors * Fixing spelling mistakes (thanks to John Benediktsson) * Fixing that list insert of lists did not use the original list but create an empty one
* Adding default object abilities with `default_box` and `default_box_attr` kwargs * Adding `from_json` and `from_yaml` functions to both `Box` and `BoxList` * Adding `frozen_box` option * Adding `BoxError` exception for custom errors * Adding `conversion_box` to automatically try to find matching attributes * Adding `camel_killer_box` that converts CamelCaseKeys to camel_case_keys * Adding `SBox` that has `json` and `yaml` properties that map to default `to_json()` and `to_yaml()` * Adding `box_it_up` property that will make sure all boxes are created and populated like previous version * Adding `modify_tuples_box` option to recreate tuples with Boxes instead of dicts * Adding `to_json` and `to_yaml` for `BoxList` * Changing how the Box object works, to conversion on extraction * Removing `__call__` for compatibly with django and to make more like dict object * Removing support for python 2.6 * Removing `LightBox` * Removing default indent for `to_json`
* Adding support for `ruamel.yaml` (Thanks to Alexandre Decan) * Adding Contributing and Authors files