
Latest version: v1.12.0

Safety actively analyzes 693883 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features

* Add support for `window/logMessage`.
* Add version support to `workspace/publishDiagnostics`.
* Add `extendSelect` option to flake8 plugin.
* Allow Jedi's `extra_paths` to be placed in front of `sys.path`.
* Bump flake8 to 7.1

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 586]( - Update versions of Github actions used on CI, by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 585]( - Fix linting issues reported by the latest version of Ruff, by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 584]( - Use `%r` to have a better log, by [tebeka](
* [PR 581]( - Set return type to `None` for functions without returns, by [agserrano3](
* [PR 576]( - Bump flake8 to 7.1, by [bnavigator](
* [PR 573]( - Add `window/logMessage` support, by [Dylmay](
* [PR 570]( - Fix Fedora instructions, by [penguinpee](
* [PR 565]( - Add version support to `workspace/publishDiagnostics`, by [Dylmay](
* [PR 560]( - Use macOS 13 to run our tests on CI, by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 559]( - Add `extendSelect` option to flake8 plugin, by [Susensio](
* [PR 547]( - Infer end position for Pylint diagnostics, by [Wuestengecko](
* [PR 527]( - Allow `extra_paths` to be placed in front of `sys.path`, by [mrclary](

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.



New features

* Remove the `rope_rename` plugin. People that were using it need to install
the `pylsp-rope` third-party plugin instead.
* Add support for Pylint 3.1

Issues Closed

* [Issue 255]( - Confusion about rename support ([PR 515]( by [doolio](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 543]( - Bump pylint to `>=3.1,<4`, by [bnavigator](
* [PR 541]( - Add fallback for `ujson` import, by [Savalek](
* [PR 538]( - Remove `.config/flake8` reference in Readme, by [justin-f-perez](
* [PR 536]( - Fix isort plugin name in Readme, by [Piraty](
* [PR 515]( - Remove built-in `rope_rename` plugin, by [doolio]( ([255](
* [PR 470]( - Add contributing guide to setup dev environment, by [staticf0x](

In this release 6 pull requests were closed.



Issues Closed

* [Issue 529]( - Autoimports: sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked ([PR 530]( by [last-partizan](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 530]( - Fix progress reporting with autoimport plugin, by [last-partizan]( ([529](
* [PR 528]( - Improve error message about missing `websockets` module, by [tomplus](

In this release 2 pull requests were closed.



New features

* Add support for notebook document completions.
* Add support for flake8 version 7.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 513]( - Different versions of autopep can be installed as optional dependencies ([PR 514]( by [doolio](
* [Issue 478]( - Considering pointing to python-lsp-isort rather than pyls-isort in the README ([PR 483]( by [doolio](
* [Issue 474]( - AutoImport can break when being called by multiple threads ([PR 498]( by [tkrabel](
* [Issue 373]( - file path auto completion add \ in path string ([PR 497]( by [i-aki-y](
* [Issue 256]( - Flake8 Severity too high ([PR 490]( by [kunhtkun](

In this release 5 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 517]( - Combine ruff.toml into pyproject.toml, by [doolio](
* [PR 514]( - Fix optional dependency version for autopep8, by [doolio]( ([513](
* [PR 510]( - Bump flake8 to version 7, by [bnavigator](
* [PR 507]( - Fix extra end line increment in autopep8 plugin, by [remisalmon](
* [PR 502]( - Use ruff as linter and code formatter, by [tkrabel](
* [PR 499]( - Make autoimport cache generation non-blocking, by [tkrabel](
* [PR 498]( - Update rope to 1.11.0 for multi-threading capabilities, by [tkrabel]( ([474](
* [PR 497]( - Fix path completion when client doesn't support code snippets, by [i-aki-y]( ([373](
* [PR 490]( - Refine diagnostic severity for flake8, by [kunhtkun]( ([256](
* [PR 487]( - Replace call to `python` with `sys.executable` in Pylint plugin, by [jspricke](
* [PR 486]( - Add support for notebook document completions, by [smacke](
* [PR 483]( - Point to a more up to date isort plugin in README, by [doolio]( ([478](

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.



New features

* Support `initializationOptions` to configure the server.
* Add code completions to the autoimport plugin.
* Add support for Pylint 3.
* Pass `extendIgnore` argument to Flake8.
* Add new `pylsp_workspace_configuration_changed` hookspec so that plugins can
react when client sends a configuration change to the server.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 460]( - rope_autoimport doesn't initialize after `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` message ([PR 461]( by [tkrabel-db](
* [Issue 403]( - Add code action for implementing auto-import ([PR 471]( by [tkrabel-db](
* [Issue 195]( - Maybe use initializationOptions as additional source of settings ([PR 459]( by [tkrabel-db](

In this release 3 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 481]( - Revert "Rename `_utils` module to `utils`", by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 480]( - Rename `_utils` module to `utils`, by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 475]( - Raise supported Pylint upper version, by [bnavigator](
* [PR 473]( - Improve/simplify README Development section, by [tkrabel](
* [PR 471]( - Add code completions to `rope_autoimport` plugin, by [tkrabel-db]( ([403](
* [PR 469]( - Pass argument `extendIgnore` to flake8, by [UnkwUsr](
* [PR 466]( - Ignore notebook names on cell completion for autoimport, by [tkrabel-db](
* [PR 464]( - Minor bug fix in Rope autoimport plugin, by [tkrabel-db](
* [PR 462]( - Make workspace/didChangeConfig work with notebook documents, by [tkrabel-db](
* [PR 461]( - Load `rope_autoimport` cache on `workspace/didChangeConfiguration`, by [tkrabel-db]( ([460](
* [PR 459]( - Support `initializationOptions` to configure the server, by [tkrabel-db]( ([195](
* [PR 457]( - Fix missing signatures for docstrings in Markdown, by [staticf0x](

In this release 12 pull requests were closed.



Issues Closed

* [Issue 453]( - notebookDocumentSync notebookSelector type error ([PR 454]( by [smacke](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 454]( - Fix notebook document selector not being a list in capabilities, by [smacke]( ([453](

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


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