Issues Closed
* [Issue 13]( - Release v1.0.0
* [Issue 4]( - Transition plan
In this release 2 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
* [PR 12]( - PR: Use python-lsp-jsonrpc instead of python-jsonrpc-server, by [andfoy](
* [PR 11]( - PR: Remove references to VSCode in Readme, by [ccordoba12](
* [PR 10]( - PR: Rename namespace to pylsp and package to python-lsp-server, by [andfoy](
* [PR 9]( - TST: accept folding of decorator parameters in Python 3.9, by [bnavigator]( ([8](
* [PR 7]( - Unpin numpy, by [bnavigator](
* [PR 6]( - Rewrite README from rst to md, by [xiaoxiae](
* [PR 5]( - Update README.rst, by [marimeireles](
* [PR 3]( - Fix CI tests by temporarily pinning numpy; update repo paths, by [krassowski](
* [PR 2]( - bump jedi compatibility: compare to Path-like object, by [bnavigator](
In this release 9 pull requests were closed.
Before the release:
1. Create pull request to update with
* `loghub python-lsp/python-lsp-server -m vX.X.X`
* git add -A && git commit -m "Update changelog for X.X.X"
This is necessary to run our tests before the release, so we can be sure
everything is in order.
To release a new version of python-lsp-server:
1. git fetch upstream && git checkout upstream/master
2. Close milestone on GitHub
3. git clean -xfdi
4. git tag -a vX.X.X -m "Release vX.X.X"
5. python -m pip install --upgrade pip
6. pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager build setuptools twine wheel
7. python -bb -X dev -W error -m build
8. twine check --strict dist/*
9. twine upload dist/*
10. git push upstream --tags
11. Create release on Github