
Latest version: v1.0.0

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- Shrunk BG number on mobile so it doesn't push the time elements out of view (when the toolbar is collapsed).
- Fix issue that caused the chart to fill the entire screen on the Dolphin Browser. (I don't have the Android stock browser so I cannot test it on that browser, but hopefully this fixes it as well.)
- Removed strikethrough on arrows (when data is stale).
- Improved alignment of time elements.
- Slight style refactoring (moved some styles from JavaScript to CSS).


- Stale data indicator was keeping the yellow or red background color even after the data was fresh again. This is fixed now.


- Unsuccessful attempt to fix the stale data indicator. (This was fixed in the next release.)


- Integrated _mmol_ support!
- Night Mode enable/disable.
- New _toolbar_ to access above features.
- Increased browser support.
- _Mobile Friendly_ User Interface.
- _Custom Title_.
- _Stale Data_ indicators.

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