An easy upgrade using the [Update Tool](http://nightscout.github.io/pages/update-fork/)
Options to enable raw data 386 & 394
To enable Raw Data update the `ENABLE` environment variable to include `rawbg`, if you want raw BG's to display by default use `rawbg-on`. For example `ENABLE="careportal rawbg"`
For more information see [Interpreting raw Dexcom data](http://www.nightscout.info/wiki/labs/interpreting-raw-dexcom-data)

Show Raw - Always

Show Raw - When there is noise

Bug Fixes and Improvements:
- fixed HIGH/LOW display on iPhone 6+ and Nexus 6 397
- don't round the predicted values when mmol display mode 402/405
- Syntax error in "Enable Alarms" help prompt 406
- Store display units with treatment objects, for unit conversion / checking on load. 408
- if there isn't a glucose value, don't store the units 409