<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v0.43.2 -->
Patch release with the following fixes/quality of life changes. This being a patch fix, there are no API changes.
What's Changed
- Call `Off` method when clear widgets by tkoyama010 5359
- Fix incorrect `PolyData.ray_trace` result if intersection is the origin by darikg 5373
- Fix `edge_opacity` is not used in `add_mesh` by tkoyama010 5380
- Fix `create_axes_orientation_box` unused argument by tkoyama010 5382
- Pin GeoVista integration test `CARTOPY_FEATURE` to stable release by user27182 5452
- [patch] vtkRedistributeDataSetFilter ImportError by banesullivan 5467
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pyvista/pyvista/compare/v0.43.1...v0.43.2