
Latest version: v0.44.2

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This minor release of ``pyvista==0.29.0`` includes a variety of changes and new features. The most major is improving our load-time by only loading in the VTK libraries used through lazy loading or selective imports using `vtkmodules``. It was quite an overhaul and should improve load time, reduce memory usage, and potentially the size of the frozen package.

Other new features and bug-fixes include:

New Features
- add subdivision option to extract_surface (1174)
- Add a silhouette parameter to add_mesh (1211)
- add new colors (1173)
- Add pickle support to DataObject (1143)
- Add where_is in BasePlotter (1175)
- Create an explicit structured grid (1133)

- Fix and update some sphinx docs (1149)
- :memo: Add new function to geometric.rst (1170)
- Update what-is-a-mesh.rst (1176)
- Fix docstring in add_point_labels (1188)

API Changes
- Improve PolyData Import (1213)
- Use vtkTransformFilter in DataSet.transform() (1166)
- Improve Exodus Reader (1191)
- Add bounds in reset_camera (1161)
- Add option to hide plane widget vector (1150)
- add origin kwarg to plotter.add_legend (1153)
- Expose start_xvfb (1151)
- Add render=True in add_point_labels (1152)
- add transforms3d (1142)

Bug Fixes
- Fix the "reset camera" effect when parallel projection is enabled/disabled (1221)
- Wrap pyvista_ndarray (1222)
- Fix vtk not defined (1217)
- plot_over_line should fail if scalar name does not exist (1214)
- Fix labels (1201)
- remove faulthandler (1187)
- Fix log scale in scalar bar (1183)
- Fix bugs in enable_cell_picking (1158)
- fix add_actor (1182)
- Fix Binary Writer (1148)
- Reimplement Light.copy to get around VTK8.1 bug (1137)
- Update enable_cell_picking (1157)
- Update the active scalar bar when cmap is changed (1169)
- Fix scalar bar moving upward (1171)

- Minor fix of plot_over_line's test 525 (1216)
- common --> dataset (1209)
- :art: Minor fix of format of the code. (1199)
- Fix doctest failure in BasePlotter.where_is (1192)
- Use vtkmodules (1163)
- Move Common, DataObject to, (1160)
- Partially add type hints to /core/ (1145)
- improve import speed (1156)

Contributors (alphabetical)

- adeak
- akaszynski
- banesullivan
- d-chambers
- GuillaumeFavelier
- JevinJ
- Keou0007
- RichardScottOZ
- rodrigomologni
- tkoyama010
- whophil
- yienyien


This release, ``pyvista==0.28.0``, is a minor release that captures a variety of bug-fixes and API additions.

Contributors (alphabetical)

- adeak
- akaszynski
- banesullivan
- Boorhin
- dcbr
- GuillaumeFavelier
- JevinJ
- Keou0007
- larsoner
- mglesser
- nickvazz
- rodrigomologni
- sampotter
- shakasaki
- Sinaxist
- Spectre5
- tkoyama010
- whophil
- yngvem

New Features

- Add table of glyphs option to DataSetFilters.glyph (776)
- Allow picking in notebook with ipyvtk (996)
- Rename trans_from_matrix to array_from_vtkmatrix, implement inverse (1110)
- Add slicing, concatenation to StructuredGrid (1106)
- 🚩 Add option level and quads to function Box (1103)
- ✨ Add Pyramid function (1102)
- Add make_tri_mesh helper (1101)
- Add PolyData intersection filter (1091)
- Add read_plot3d, other minor reader improvements (1081)
- Add parallel projection and parallel scale properties to Renderer and BasePlotter (1021)
- Add Light class pythonizing vtkLight (1040)
- Add reflect filter and other methods (1122)
- Transforms via transform3d (1127)


- use pypandoc for better jupyter notebooks from the gallery (1017)
- Doc/move around (1000)
- improve camera docs and implementation (1111)
- :pencil2: Fix typo of docstring (1104)
- add tuple as type hint for vectors (1094)
- fix copy button (1063)
- feat/pyinstaller docs (1037)

API Changes

- Use render window size (995)
- Add variable length density to voxelize (1100)
- 📷 Add camera object (945)
- Add style parameter in text slider widgets (1093)

Bug Fixes

- fix/threshold args (1014)
- Fix small notation shaking (1008)
- Fix subplotting with ipyvtk_simple (994)
- Update hypothesis requirement 5.8.0->6.0.3 (1115)
- Replace "is 0" comparison with "== 0" in (1114)
- Release graphics resources (1113)
- Ensure that views of pyvista_ndarray remain associated (1108)
- Fixed disk geometry to rotate and translate properly (1061)
- Fix double blocking of `` in script mode on Windows (1105)
- Fix "Hide points in add_point_labels is not working" (1092)
- Fix window closing immediately (1048)
- Fix/extract points (1043)
- Fix UnstructuredGrid init from arrays for VTK 8.90 (1039)
- Fix Cell Types Helper (1028)
- Add missing no_itk skip to itk polydata point plotting test (1032)
- Fix `add_arrows` (1011)
- Bugfix for 1053: `Plotter.update` fails with `interactive_update=True` if `auto_close=False` is not specified (1056)
- patched edge case for empty mesh (1030)
- force rewrite faces when flipping normals (1034)
- fix/default rcParams (1015)


- ENH: Reduce size (1019)
- Remove Alpha Channel on Image Regression (1006)
- Clean up example downloads (1005)
- removing py3.9 check (1003)
- Image Regression (998)
- Disable conda 8.1 testing and update agents (1109)
- write frame needs update (1099)
- do not import pandas on __init__ (1029)



Jupyterlab Streaming and New Features

This release, ``pyvista==0.27.0``, is a major release that includes an important new feature for jupyterlab: real-time streaming leveraging `ipyvtk-simple`. Using either software or hardware rendering (as supported by VTK), you can visualize geometry on a remote machine through a jupyterlab environment!

Several other new features were added, along with many bug fixes and optimizations by both new and existing contributors. Thanks all for your contributions! ``pyvista`` would not be possible were it not for the community of developers behind all these PRs.

Contributors (in no order)

- tkoyama010
- JevinJ
- darikg
- larsoner
- GuillaumeFavelier
- imsodin
- banesullivan
- akaszynski
- math-artist
- mkondratyev85
- Keou0007
- yetisir
- mglesser
- thomgrand
- dstansby

New Features

- Add shrink filter (913)
- Add find_closest_cell filter (923)
- Add texture map to sphere filter (938)
- Vectorized ray tracing using trimesh and pyembree (949)
- Active tensors (969)
- Wrap Trimesh (970)
- Cell based unstructured grid generator (976)
- ipyvtk plotting (983)


- More examples to the gallery (940)
- Add new banner to homepage and README (941)
- Docker documentation (992)
- Add widgets to the examples gallery (988)

API Changes

- Dropping support for Python 3.5 (912 & 905)
- Fix Opacity Array (906)
- Add checking if the number_of_cells corresponds offset ... (932)
- Make rendering optional when adding meshes and actors (935)
- Faster Screenshot (957)
- Include or not adjacent cells when using extract_points (960)
- Add additional methods to PlotterITK (980)

Bug Fixes

- Memory Leak and References (894)
- Fix render layers (893)
- Delete obbTree to avoid memory leak (922)
- Remove blue color on meshes when using add_mesh (929)
- Fix area property (933)
- Fix axis problem on parametric geometry (948)
- Fix geometric disc
- Fix and test for memory leaks (958)
- Fix scalar bar colors (971)


- Improve coverage and testing (891, 889, 888, 887, 886)
- Use f-strings (911)
- Raise exceptions instead of producing empty screenshots (915)

EGL Wheels
Attached wheels (``vtk-egl-9.0.1*``) are for hardware (GPU) based rendering on jupyterlab or headless instances. Wheels built with:

echo "Building with EGL"
yum install mesa-* -y
git clone
cd VTK


This release adds a variety of new features, API changes, and documentation fixes. A big thanks to all who contributed to the PRs, issues, and testing for this release!

New Features
- 3-lights illumination (882)
- added clip_scalar (877)
- Enable smooth shading for textures (865)
- Add pathlib Support (836)
- Enable status bars for the glyph filter (779)
- clip closed surface for PolyData (797)
- Add PolyData strip filter (807)
- Add RubberBand2D interactor style (872)

Various documentation, spelling, and code cleanups:
- Add documentation on how to set up sphinx gallery (783)
- Misc. documentation fixes (829)
- Clarify clip filter docstring (840)
- Add better Unstructured Grid Documentation (845)
- Minor Examples Fixes (852)
- typo fix (864)
- Internationalization and localization of document. (878)
- Add Filter Examples (873)
- add section videos (883)

Bug fixes:
- Fix visible cell picking (799)
- Fix get_data_range for nested MultiBlock (793)
- Fix is_all_triangles (832)


It's been three months since the last release and there are quite a few bug fixes and features!

Major API Changes
- Moved `BackgroundPlotter` and `QtInteractor` to `pyvistaqt`. See 719 for the reasoning, but as a summary, this boils down to licensing, unit testing, and improved development. See [pyvistaqt]( to test out the new module. Wheels will be released for that as soon as we've released wheels for `pyvista==0.25.0` as it's a dependency.
- Added better support for VTKv9. There were several changes under the hood to VTK's `UnstructuredGrids` that need to be implemented here, as well as many changes to our unit testing and CI to support Python 3.8 and VTKv9. See 732, 772, and 693.
- When using PyVista with Sphinx-Gallery, we require you to set `pyvista.BUILDING_GALLERY = True` in your ``

- Removing cells or faces (653)
- Progress bar using `tqdm` (608)
- Plotting floors (424)
- Additional geometry features (449)
- Subplot groups (696)
- Custom orientation widget (702)

Bug Fixes
- Checking vectors when setting vectors 763
- Check overwriting dataset to avoid segfault 738
- Fix faulthandler (694 and 645)
- Implicit point setters (769)
- Ellipsoid wrapping (705)

CI Improvements
- Unit testing is between 25-40% faster. MacOS testing no supports multiple testing processes using `pytest-xdist`. See 739 and 744
- Improved code coverage 745 and 709
- Removed all example downloading from unit testing. Greatly improves test stability (731)
- Various speedups (661)

- Removed untested `pyansys` quality method.
- Using underscore numpy types (762)
- Optimized imports (743)
- Line break consistent (737)
- Use new style super() calls (741)
- Generic load/save (736)
- Refactored active scalars/vectors (746)
- Better error types (759)
- And many many more...

Thanks to all those who contributed to this release! In no particular order:
- JevinJ
- mli0603
- banesullivan
- GuillaumeFavelier
- dcbr
- tomsal
- tkoyama010
- ralovich
- florian-wagner
- imsodin
- larsoner
- adeak
- akaszynski

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