Enhancements and Fixes
- ``registry.search`` now allows programmatic selection of the registry TAP
service endpoint with the ``choose_RegTAP_service`` function. [386]
- ``registry.search`` now introspects the TAP service's capabilities and
only offers extended functionality or optimisations if the required
features are present [386]
- Registry search now finds SIA v2 services. [422, 428]
- Made SIA2Service accept access urls without finding them in the service
capabilities. [500]
- Fix session inheritance in SIA2. [490]
- Add intersect modes for the spatial constraint in the registry module
``pyvo.registry.Spatial``. [495]
- Added ``alt_identifier``, ``created``, ``updated`` and ``rights`` to the
attributes of ``pyvo.registry.regtap.RegistryResource`` [492]
- Added the ``source_value`` and ``alt_identifier`` information to the verbose
output of ``describe()`` in ``regtap``. [492]
- Added convenience method DALResults.to_qtable() that returns an
astropy.table.QTable object. [384]
- TAP examples now support the continuation property. [483]
- Fix poor polling behavior when running an async query against a
TAP v1.1 service with unsupported WAIT parameter. [440]
- Adding python version to User-Agent. [452]
- Output of ``repr`` for DALResults instance now clearly shows it is a
DALResultsTable and not a generic astropy Table. [478]
- Adding support for the VODataService 1.2 nrows attribute on table
elements. [503]
Deprecations and Removals
- Classes ``SIAService``, ``SIAQuery``, ``SIAResults`` for SIA v2 have been
renamed to ``SIA2Service``, ``SIA2Query``, ``SIA2Results`` respectively
as well as the variable ``SIA_PARAMETERS_DESC`` to
``SIA2_PARAMETERS_DESC``. The old names now issue an
``AstropyDeprecationWarning``. [419]
- Class ``pyvo.vosi.vodataservice.Table`` has been renamed to
``VODataServiceTable`` to avoid sharing the name with a more generic
``astropy.table.Table`` while having different API. [484]
- Deprecate VOSI ``AvailabilityMixin``, this mean the deprecation of the
inherited ``availability``, ``available``, and ``up_since`` properties
of DAL service classes, too. [413]
- Deprecating ``ivoid2service`` because it is ill-defined. [439]