* Added a wait for the control to be active and configurable
sleeps after 'modifying' actions (e.g. Select, Deselect, etc)
* Fixed Timings.Slow() and Timings.Fast() - they could in certain
circumstances do the opposite! If you had already set a timing
slower or faster then they would set it then they would blindly
ignore that and set their own times. I added functionality that
they will take either the slowest or fastest of the new/current
setting rather then blindly setting to the new value.
* Fixed some hidden bugs with HwndWrapper.CloseClick()
* Fixed a bug in setup.py that would raise an error when no
argument was specified
* Added an argument to HwndWrapper.SendMessageTimeout so that
the wait options could be passed in.
* Added HwndWrapper.Close(), Maximize(), Minimize(), Restore()
and GetShowState().
* Commented out all deprecated methods (will be removed completely
in some future release).
* Added Application.kill_() method - which closes all windows and
kills the application. If the application is asking if you want
to save your changes - you will not be able to click yes or no
and the application will be killed anyway!.