
Latest version: v0.6.9

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* Added automatic Application data collection which can be used when
running the same test on a different spoken language version. Support
is still preliminary and is expected to change. Please treat as early

If you have a different language version of Windows then you can try
this out by running the example with the langauge
argument e.g. ::

examples\ language

This will load the application data from the supplied file
notepad_fast.pkl and use it for finding the right menu items and
controls to select.

* Test implementation to make it easier to start using an application.
Previously you needed to write code like ::

app = Application().connect_(title = 'Find')

1st change was to implement static methods ``start()`` and
``connect()``. These methods return a new Application instance
so the above code becomes::

app = Application.connect(title = 'Find')

I also wanted to make it easier to start working with a simple
application - that may or may not have only one dialog. To make this
situation easier I made ``window_()`` not throw if the application has not
been ``start()ed`` or ``connect()ed`` first. This leads to simpler code

app = Application()

What happens here is that when you execute any of Application.window_(),
Application.__getattr__() or Application.__getitem__() when the
application hasn't been connected or started. It looks for the window
that best matches your specification and connects the application to
that process.

This is extra functionality - existing connect_() and
start_() methods still exist

* Fixed HwndWrapper.SetFocus() so that it would work even if the window
was not in the foreground. (it now makes the window foreground as well
as giving it focus). This overcomes a restriction in Windows where
you can only change the foreground window if you own the foreground

* Changed some 2.4'isms that an anonymous commenter left on my blog :-)
with these changes pywinauto should run on Python 2.3 (though I haven't
done extensive testing).

* Commented out controls.common_controls.TabControlWrapper.GetTabState()
and TabStates() as these did not seem to be returning valid values anyway.

* Fixed documentation issues were parts of the documentation were not
getting generated to the HTML files.

* Fixed issue where MenuSelect would sometimes not work as expected.
Some Menu actions require that the window that owns the menu be active.
Added a call to SetFocus() before selecting a menu item to ensure that
the window was active.

* Fixed Bug 1452832 where clipboard was not closed in clipboard.GetData()

* Added more unit tests now up to 248 from 207



* Added wrapper classes for Menus and MenuItems this enabled cleaner
interaction with Menu's. It also gives more functionality - you can now
programmatically Click() on menus, and query if a menu item is checked
or not.

* Added application.WindowSpecification.Wait() and WaitNot() methods.
These methods allow you to wait for a control to exist, be visible,
be enabled, be ready (both enabled and visible!) or to wait for the
control to not be in any of these states. WaitReady(),
WaitNotEnabled(), WaitNotVisible() now use these methods. I was able to also
add the missing methods WaitNotReady(), WaitEnabled(), WaitVisible(),
WaitExists(), WaitnotExists(). Please use Wait() and WaitNot() as I have
Deprecated these Wait* methods.

* Slightly modified timeout waits for control resolution so that a timed
function more accurately follows the timeout value specified.

* Added application.Application.start() and connect() static methods. These
methods are factory methods in that they will return an initialized Application
instance. They work exactly the same as start_() and connect() as they are
implemented in terms of those.

from pywinauto.application import Application
notepad = Application.start("notepad")
same_notepad = Application.connect(path = "notepad")

* Updated the examples to follow changes to the code - and to make them a little
more robust.

* Added a new Controls Overview document page which lists all the actions on
all controls.

* Added more unit tests now up to 207 from 134 (added 68 tests)



* Quick release to get many changes out there - but this release has
been less tested then I would like for a .3 release.

* Allow access to non text controls using the closest Text control.
This closest text control will normally be the static/label associated
with the control. For example in Notepad, Format->Font dialog, the 1st
combobox can be refered to as "FontComboBox" rather than "ComboBox1"

* Added a new control wrapper - ``PopupMenuWrapper`` for context menu's
You can now work easily with context menu's
e.g. ::

need to use MenuClick rather then MenuSelect
app.PopupMenu.MenuClick("Select All")

I could think of merging the ``RightClick()`` and ``MenuSelect()`` into one method
``ContextMenuSelect()`` if that makes sense to most people.

* Added Support for Up-Down controls

* Not all top level windows now have a FriendlyClassName of "Dialog".
I changed this because it made it hard to get windows of a particular
class. For example the main Notepad window has a class name of "Notepad".

This was primarily implemented due to work I did getting the System Tray.

* Renamed ``StatusBarWrapper.PartWidths()`` to ``PartRightEdges()`` as this
is more correct for what it returns.

* Changed HwndWrapper.Text() and SetText() to WindowText() and
SetWindowText() respectively to try and make it clearer that it is
the text returned by GetWindowText and not the text that is visible
on the control. This change also suggested that EditWrapper.SetText()
be changed to SetEditText() (though this is not a hard requirement
EditWrapper.SetText() still exists - but may be deprecated.

* Added ClickInput, DoubleClickInput, RightClickInput, PressMouseInput
ReleaseMouseInput to HwndWrapper - these use SendInput rather then
WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP, etc used by Click, DoubleClick etc.

I also added a MenuClick method that allows you to click on menu
items. This means you can now 'physically' drop menus down.

* Some further working with tooltips that need to be cleaned up.

* Fixed a bug where coordinates passed to any of the Click operations had
the X and Y coordinates swapped.

* Added new MenuItem and Menu classes that are to the most part hidden
but you can get a menu item by doing ::

app.Notepad.MenuItem("View->Status Bar")

MenuItems have various actions so for example you can use
``MenuItem.IsChecked()`` to check if the menu item is checked.
Among other methods there are ``Click()`` and ``Enabled()``.

* Modified the 'best match' algorithm for finding controls.
It now searches a couple of times, and tries to find the best
fit for the text passed to it. The idea here is to make it more
"Select what I want - not that other thing that looks a bit like
what I want!". It is possible this change could mean you need to
use new identifiers in scripts - but in general very little modification
should be necessary.

There was also a change to the algorithm that looked for the closest
text control. It missed some obvious controls in the previous
implementation. It also had a bug for controls above the control
rather than to the left.

* Added a new example scripts and which show automating downloading of a page
from either of these browsers.

* Added yet more unit tests, there are now a total of 134 tests.



* Changed how windows are searched for (from application)
This chage should not be a significant change for users

* Started adding unit tests (and the have already uncovered bugs
that been fixed). They also point to areas of missing functionality
that will be addded with future updates

* Changed from property access to Control attributes to function access
If your code was accessing properties of controls then this might be a
significant change! The main reasons for doing this were due to the
inheritability of properties (or lack there-of!) and the additional
scafolding that was required to define them all.

* Updated the ``DialogWrapper.MenuSelect()`` method to notify the parent
that it needs to initialize the menu's before it retrieves the items

* Added functionality to associate 'non-text' controls with the 'text'
control closest to them. This allows controls to be referenced by::


e.g. to reference the "Footer" edit control in the Page Setup dialog
you could use::


* Added a MoveWindow method to HwndWrapper

* Did some more cleanup (fixing pylint warnings) but still not finished

* Added some better support for .NET controls (not to be considered final)



* Wrote doc strings for all modules, classes and functions
* Ran pychecker and pylint and fixed some errors/warning
* changed ::

_connect, _start, _window, _control, _write

respectively to ::

connect_, start_, window_, connect_, write_

If you forget to change ``_window``, ``_connect`` and ``_start`` then you will probably get the following error. ::

TypeError: '_DynamicAttributes' object is not callable

* pywinauto is now a package name - you need to import it or its modules
* Changes to the code to deal with pywinauto package name
* Fixed searching for windows if a Parent is passed in
* Added Index to retrieved MenuItem dictionary
* Added a check to ensure that a windows Handle is a valid window
* Refactored some of the methods in common_controls
* Refactored how FriendlyClassName is discovered (and still not really happy!



* Updated Readme (original readme was incorrect)
* Added clipboard module
* Fixed DrawOutline part of tests.__init__.print_bugs
* Added a NotifyParent to HwndWrapper
* Make sure that HwndWrapper.ref is initialized to None
* Refactored some methods of ComboBox and ListBox
* Updated Combo/ListBox selection methods
* Removed hardcoded paths from
* Added section to save the document as UTF-8 in MinimalNotepadTest
* Fixed EscapeSpecials and UnEscapeSpecials in XMLHelpers
* Made sure that overly large bitmaps do not break XML writing

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