New Features
- Performance improvements for the GLPK solvers. Several new options have been added to the GLPK solvers that
reduce the number of linear programme updates required each time-step. These options are currently off by default,
but can be enabled by either passing keyword arguments to the solver instances or via environment variables.
(912, 983, 985)
- Update constant and fixed flows only once during reset (`PYWR_SOLVER_GLPK_FIXED_FLOWS_ONCE=True`)
- Update constant and fixed costs only once during reset (`PYWR_SOLVER_GLPK_FIXED_COSTS_ONCE=True`)
- Update constant and fixed aggregated node factors only once during reset (`PYWR_SOLVER_GLPK_FIXED_FACTORS_ONCE=True`)
- Improve memory usage in `DataFrameParameter` when running a subset of the defined scenarios. The parameter now only
retains the data for the subset of scenarios required for the simulation instead of all scenarios. (981)
- Update `MonthlyProfileParameter` and `RbfProfileParameter` to allow variable lower and upper bounds to be defined. (986)
Bug Fixes
- Fix use of deprecated `` and `np.float` types. (982)