
Latest version: v1.27.3

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New Features

- Added `BisectionSearchModel` that performs a bisectional search on a single parameter instead of a
standard simulation. (915)
- Allow `AggregatedNode` factors to be time-varying using `Parameter`s. (919)
- Added `RollingVirtualStorage` node intended for modelling rolling licenses. (891)
- Added `SeasonalVirtualStorage` node intended for modelling licenses that apply for limited periods. (923)

Bug Fixes

- Ensure `RollingMeanFlowNodeRecorder`'s internal memory pointer is reset correctly. (893)
- Fix a bug where `AggregatedNode` would warn about small factors with any negative value. (921)
- Fixed `AggreagtedNode` initial volume being incorrectly calculated when its dependent nodes used a proportional
initial volume. (922)


- Added `NullSolver` that performs no allocation and is intended for debugging purposes. (924)
- Added a small tolerance for equality checking of fixed bounds in the GLPK solvers. (925)


New Features

- A change to the behaviour of Storage nodes with parameters for `max_volume`. Such nodes must
now have both `initial_volume` and `initial_volume_pc` specified. This allows using arbitrary parameters
for `max_volume` provided the initial condition is explicitly defined in absolute and percentage terms. (690)
- Added `DelayNode` and `FlowDelayParameter` to allow emulation of time-of-travel. (904)
- Added `DiscountFactorParameter`. (901)
- Added support for optimising days of the year in `RbfProfileParameter`. (908)
- Added `NumpyArrayDailyProfileParameterRecorder` for recording calculated annual profiles, and
refactored the internal calculations around day of the year. `Timestep` now includes properties
for `dayofyear_index`, `week_index` and `is_leap_year`. (903)
- Added error logging in `Model`'s `load`, `setup`, `reset` and `finish` methods. Handling of unknown
component types now raises a custom `TypeNotFoundError`. (896)


- Improvements to API documentation. (905)



- Release to fix packaging mistake in v1.7.1.


Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug when using `draw_graph` with a dictionary. (899)
- Fixed a bug when giving non-float values to `RbfProfileParameter`. (897)
- Improved handling of isolated nodes in `draw_graph` when using JSON data. (895)


New Features

- Improve Jupyter Notebook graphing functionality. (868, 885)
- Added `OffsetParameter`. (874)
- Added `PywrRandomGenerator` for use with the Platypus optimisation library. (867, 892)
- Added `RbfProfileParameter`. (873)
- Changed the signature of recorder aggregation functions to better catch exceptions. (879)

Bug Fixes

- Removed unreachable code when CSV dataframes. (880)
- Fixed incorrect parsing of `position` keyword in several nodes. (884)


- Added `IPython` to install dependencies. (870)
- Removed optimisation wrapper for `inspyred`. (878)
- Exposed run statistics to optimisation wrapper. (877)
- Added optional dependencies for docs and dev installs. (882)


- Added threshold parameters to API documentation. (881)
- Corrected `MeanParameterRecorder`'s docstring. (772)
- Improved docstrings and made consistent argument names for `InterpolatedVolumeParameter` and `InterpolatedFlowParameter`. (890)


New Features

- `AnnualTotalFlowRecorder` now accepts an optional list of factors to scale the flow by. (837)
- `NumpyArrayNodeRecorder` now accepts an optional factor (default=1.0) to scale the flow by. (838, 840)
- Added `UniformDrawdownProfileParameter` (836)
- Added `ControlCurvePiecewiseInterpolatedParameter` as a more general replacement for `PiecewiseLinearControlCurve`. (857)
- Added 'count_nonzero' as an aggregation function for recorders. (866)

Bug Fixes

- Fix bug draw_graph modifying model data when a data dict is given. (832)
- Fix the `__init__` method of `BreakLink`. (850)
- Fix reset of `AbstractNode._prev_flow`. (855)
- Fix a bug calculating of `AggregatedStorage`'s initial volume in multiple scenarios. (854)
- Fix resetting of `AnnualVirtualStorage` volume to maximum volume instead of initial volume. (860)
- Fix cdef type issue in some control curve parameters allowing use with any `AbstractStorage` (instead of just `Storage`). (861)
- Fix registering of `ArrayIndexedScenarioParameter` (863)


- Fixed documentation building on tags. (831)
- Updated notebook graph drawing to use d3.v5 and removed IE specific code. (834)
- Add reference to published academic paper. (846)
- `PiecewiseLinearControlCurve` has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future version. (857)
- Added examples from the recently published paper. (852)

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