Key features of the release:
- A large number of bug fixes, especially in the area of internationalization.
Naive uses of unicode have mostly been eliminated.
- Corrections and improvements to date and time-related types, especially with
respect to timezones.
- More namespaces have been added in the :ref:`common <bundle_common>`,
:ref:`WS-* <bundle_wssplat>`, and :ref:`OpenGIS <bundle_opengis>` bundles.
- This release eliminates the separate packages for different bundles; all
bundles and documentation except for OpenGIS are incorporated into the
release file. OpenGIS is present but must be built manually; see
:ref:`OpenGIS <bundle_opengis>`
Examples have been added:
- ``examples/customization`` shows advanced customization, including injecting
behavior into binding classes corresponding to types from which other XML
types are extended or restricted. It also demonstrates how to introspect
the bindings within a module, automating much of the process of extending
multiple bindings with the same functionality.
- ``examples/unicode_jp`` demonstrates internationalization features including
the ability to intercept PyXB's construction of Python identifiers from XML
identifiers to produce meaningful identifiers when the schema language is
not compatible with the Python 2 requirement that identifiers be ASCII.
The following reported `defects/enhancements
<>`_ have been addressed:
- Timezone support for xsd:date types. :ticket:`102`
- Pattern restriction does not work correctly with Unicode. :ticket:`108`
- bad unvalidated generation with simple list. :ticket:`110`
- Make simpleType CF_Enumeration iterable. :ticket:`111`
- toxml fails when wildcard is in unrecognized namespace. :ticket:`114`
- Problem with timedelta to duration conversion. :ticket:`115`
- Simple-typed elements accept any attributes. :ticket:`116`
- attributes are validated regardless of pyxb.RequireValidWhenParsing. :ticket:`117`
- unable to resolve with absent namespace. :ticket:`119`
- module CreateFromDocument ignores default_namespace. :ticket:`120`
- PyXB elementary data types do not play well with copy/pickling/.... :ticket:`121`
- PxXB should allow to assign None to optional elements and attributes. :ticket:`122`
- unbound wildcard element toxml() fails. :ticket:`123`
- misapplied allow_builtin_generation keyword in Generator. :ticket:`124`
- attributes are not validated regardless of pyxb.RequireValidWhenGenerating. :ticket:`126`
- dateTime objects must be timezone-aware. :ticket:`127`
- most lexical representations for reduced dates wrong. :ticket:`128`
- incorrect timezone adjustment from python values. :ticket:`129`
- validate processing of unicode in assignments and documents. :ticket:`131`
- Crash in PyXB when attempting to retrieve Unicode value from exception. :ticket:`132`
- Name, NMTOKEN, NCName wrong validation regexes. :ticket:`134`
- opengis/scripts/genbind removes all user files. :ticket:`135`
- preserve timezone in processing. :ticket:`136`
- wildcards rejected when validation disabled during parsing. :ticket:`137`
- xsd.dateTime loses microsecond precision. :ticket:`138`
- support alternative XML parsers. :ticket:`139`
- need regular way to replace MakeIdentifier. :ticket:`141`
- Document advanced customization. :ticket:`142`
- cleanup OpenGIS schema bundle. :ticket:`143`
- toxml needs encoding support. :ticket:`144`
- mark encoding in generated output. :ticket:`146`
- domutils references unqualified PyXB exceptions. :ticket:`148`