
Latest version: v1.2.6

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Mostly changes to namespaces in support of profiles and application schemas
which extend other namespaces with special components, or have their own
copies of somebody else's schemas, etc. See the pyxbgen private/public
namespace switches.

- Presence of nested choice model groups caused the plurality calculations to
be wrong: some elements were dropped from the model, others were treated as
lists when only one instance would be permitted. :ticket:`34`

- Content accessor would return wrong value for elements with simple type of
list variety. :ticket:`32`

- Corrected handling of attributes when deriving complex types by
restriction. :ticket:`27`

- Added a source module for XML namespace
( with bindings linked to the built-in
component model. :ticket:`23`

- Fix inadequacies in namespace archive management. :ticket:`22`

This is expected to be the last release in 0.5.x. 0.7.0 should follow soon
thereafter, and only contain the change of default binding style from accessor
to property. :ticket:`18`



Fixed various problems with OpenGIS schemas, specifically dependency loops
induced by attempting to keep binding components within modules identified by
the schema they came from, and loss of bindings for one namespace due to its
being overwritten by those for another.

- The presence of a wildcard in a sequence or choice model group caused other
elements to be lost in the binding. :ticket:`29`

- Rework content verification to operate on binding instances rather than DOM
nodes. :ticket:`24`

- Use `value()` to extract the value of a complex type with simple content;
the `content()` method works only with element and mixed content.

- Add support to specify prefix to be used in QNames when generating DOM
documents from binding instances. Provide facility to re-use the
BindingDOMSupport instance for multiple conversions. :ticket:`15`

- Tightened requirements on content type matching: no more will strings and
numbers automatically be converted to match the content model (probably for
a branch you didn't intend). :ticket:`14`

- Fix problems overwriting binding modules with data from a different set of
namespaces. :ticket:`31`.

- Eliminated the schema group modules: too hard to avoid dependency loops.
Now all components are written into a single module, which is a namespace
group module if the components cross namespaces. A namespace-specific
module still exists, and imports only the relevant components from the group



Ability to parse many of the OpenGIS schemas (gml, iso19139, citygml, ogc,
ogckml22, om, ows, sensorML, sos, swe, tml, ...).

- Completely rework include and import directives to correctly handle relative
paths in ``schemaLocation`` attributes and to only import from a given
location once per namespace. :ticket:`9`, :ticket:`8`, :ticket:`5`

- Parse ``final`` attribute on type definitions (though this has no effect on
the bindings). :ticket:`10`

- Complete missing implementations in complex types with simple content.

- Create new code generation model which supports inter-namespace and
inter-schema dependency cycles. Namespace archives can now holds all
namespaces that depend on each other.

- Other miscellaneous. :ticket:`11`

- Did I mention the ability to handle OpenGIS? :ticket:`16`


- Most of the classes in the new code generation model are undocumented.

- The interface to `pyxbgen` has changed completely. Look at
``examples/OpenGIS/`` or other scripts in the ``examples``

0.4.x (Stable)



First usable public release.

- Use expanded names for all declarations and definitions. :ticket:`1`

- Use the finite automaton content model for generation as well as
parsing. :ticket:`2`

- Support xsi:type and xsi:nil. :ticket:`3`

- Support substitution groups. :ticket:`4`

- Fix many problems in QName resolution

- Implement the remaining date/time types

- Rework content model so binding instances are always instances of the
binding for the corresponding XML type, with no intervening element

- Add support for SAX parser

0.2.x (Stable)



- Initial public release

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Local Variables:

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