- Re-implemented the core engine in Rust
- Changed to statically link SDL2 libraries for Mac
- Renamed the key constants to the same as SDL2
- Added the pyxel command to work standalone without Python
- Added the cli function to launch command line interface
- Added support for Pyxel application file (.pyxapp)
- Added the installer for Windows
- Simplified the init function arguments
- Removed maximum screen size limit
- Enabled to change maximum capture time to reduce reserved memory
- Added support loading various image formats other than PNG
- Optimized GIF animation compression
- Enabled to add the image banks and tilemap banks dynamically
- Added drawing methods to the Image and Tilemap class
- Changed the tile format of tilemap to tuple of (image_tx, image_ty)
- Renamed the properties of the Sound and Music class
- Changed the play_pos function to return a tuple of sound and note
- Supported dynamic palette change with the colors list
- Added the input_keys and input_text variables to obtain the entered key
- Added the drop_files variable to obtain the dropped files
- Added the icon function to set the application icon
- Added the title function to set the application title
- Added the fullscreen function to toggle fullscreen manually
- Added the Channel class which can control the channel volume
- Added the functions to overwrite key inputs and mouse position
- Added the functions to capture screen manually
- Added Example 10
- Fixed setup.py so that images are referenced correctly on PyPI page
- Added the pyi file for type hinting