New features since last release
- Incorporated new check for maximum allowed attenuation in RF modules.
- Updated to latest qblox-instruments version. Changed some deprecated code from the new version and the QcmQrm into the more generic Module class.
- Added empty handlers for Blocks in QProgram compilers
- Support GRES in %%submit_job magic method
- Added intermediate frequency to single input lines on qm. The default is 0 (this prevents some bugs from qua-qm). Now it is possible to use the set_parameter IF and qm.set_frequency for buses with single_input.
- A new `GetParameter` operation has been added to the Experiment class, accessible via the `.get_parameter()` method. This allows users to dynamically retrieve parameters during experiment execution, which is particularly useful when some variables do not have a value at the time of experiment definition but are provided later through external operations. The operation returns a `Variable` that can be used seamlessly within `SetParameter` and `ExecuteQProgram`.
experiment = Experiment()
Get a parameter's value
amplitude = experiment.get_parameter(bus="drive_q0", parameter=Parameter.AMPLITUDE)
The returned value is of type `Variable`. It's value will be resolved during execution.
It can be used as usual in operations.
Use the variable in a SetOperation.
experiment.set_parameter(bus="drive_q1", parameter=Parameter.AMPLITUDE, value=amplitude)
Use the variable in an ExecuteQProgram with the lambda syntax.
def get_qprogram(amplitude: float, duration: int):
square_wf = Square(amplitude=amplitude, duration=duration)
qp = QProgram()"readout", waveform=square_wf)
return qp
experiment.execute_qprogram(lambda: amplitude=amplitude: get_qprogram(amplitude, 2000))
- Added offset set and get for quantum machines (both OPX+ and OPX1000). For hardware loops there is `qp.set_offset(bus: str, offset_path0: float, offset_path1: float | None)` where `offset_path0` is a mandatory field (for flux, drive and readout lines) and `offset_path1` is only used when changing the offset of buses that have to IQ lines (drive and readout). For software loops there is `platform.set_parameter(alias=bus_name, parameter=ql.Parameter.OFFSET_PARAMETER, value=offset_value)`. The possible arguments for `ql.Parameter` are: `DC_OFFSET` (flux lines), `OFFSET_I` (I lines for IQ buses), `OFFSET_Q` (Q lines for IQ buses), `OFFSET_OUT1` (output 1 lines for readout lines), `OFFSET_OUT2` (output 2 lines for readout lines).
- Added the `Ramp` class, which represents a waveform that linearly ramps between two amplitudes over a specified duration.
from qililab import Ramp
Create a ramp waveform from amplitude 0.0 to 1.0 over a duration of 100 units
ramp_wf = Ramp(from_amplitude=0.0, to_amplitude=1.0, duration=100)
- Added the `Chained` class, which represents a waveform composed of multiple waveforms chained together in time.
from qililab import Ramp, Square, Chained
Create a chained waveform consisting of a ramp up, a square wave, and a ramp down
chained_wf = Chained(
Ramp(from_amplitude=0.0, to_amplitude=1.0, duration=100),
Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=200),
Ramp(from_amplitude=1.0, to_amplitude=0.0, duration=100),
- Added `add_block()` and `get_block()` methods to the `Calibration` class. These methods allow users to store a block of operations in a calibration file and later retrieve it. The block can be inserted into a `QProgram` or `Experiment` by calling `insert_block()`.
from qililab import QProgram, Calibration
Create a QProgram and add operations
qp = QProgram()
Add operations to qp...
Store the QProgram's body as a block in the calibration file
calibration = Calibration()
calibration.add_block(name="qp_as_block", block=qp.body)
Retrieve the block by its name
calibrated_block = calibration.get_block(name="qp_as_block")
Insert the retrieved block into another QProgram
another_qp = QProgram()
- Added routing algorithms to `qililab` in function of the platform connectivity. This is done passing `Qibo` own `Routers` and `Placers` classes,
and can be called from different points of the stack.
The most common way to route, will be automatically through `qililab.execute_circuit.execute()`, or also from `qililab.platform.execute/compile()`. Another way, would be doing the transpilation/routing directly from an instance of the Transpiler, with: `` (with this last one, you can route with a different topology from the platform one, if desired, defaults to platform)
from qibo import gates
from qibo.models import Circuit
from qibo.transpiler.placer import ReverseTraversal, Trivial
from qibo.transpiler.router import Sabre
from qililab import build_platform
from qililab.circuit_transpiler import CircuitTranspiler
Create circuit:
c = Circuit(5)
c.add(gates.CNOT(1, 0))
From execute_circuit:
With defaults (ReverseTraversal placer and Sabre routing):
probabilities = ql.execute(c, runcard="./runcards/galadriel.yml", placer= Trivial, router = Sabre, routing_iterations: int = 10,)
Changing the placer to Trivial, and changing the number of iterations:
probabilities = ql.execute(c, runcard="./runcards/galadriel.yml",
From the platform:
Create platform:
platform = build_platform(runcard="<path_to_runcard>")
With defaults (ReverseTraversal placer, Sabre routing)
probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000)
With non-defaults, and specifying the router with kwargs:
probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000, placer= Trivial, router = (Sabre, {"lookahead": 2}), routing_iterations: int = 20))
With a router instance:
router = Sabre(connectivity=None, lookahead=1) No connectivity needed, since it will be overwritten by the platform's one
probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000, placer=Trivial, router=router)
Using the transpiler directly:
(If using the routing from this points of the stack, you can route with a different topology from the platform one)
Create transpiler:
transpiler = CircuitTranspiler(platform)
Default Transpilation (ReverseTraversal, Sabre and Platform connectivity):
routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c])
With Non-Default Trivial placer, specifying the kwargs, for the router, and different coupling_map:
routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c], placer=Trivial, router=(Sabre, {"lookahead": 2}, coupling_map=<some_different_topology>))
Or finally, Routing with a concrete Routing instance:
router = Sabre(connectivity=None, lookahead=1) No connectivity needed, since it will be overwritten by the specified in the Transpiler:
routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c], placer=Trivial, router=router, coupling_map=<connectivity_to_use>)
- Added a timeout inside quantum machines to control the `wait_for_all_values` function. The timeout is controlled through the runcard as shown in the example:
- name: quantum_machines_cluster
alias: QMM
timeout: 10000 optional timeout in seconds
- Added `shareable` trigger inside runcard for quantum machines controller. The controller is defined in the runcard following this example:
- name: con1
- port: 1
offset: 0.0
shareable: True
- Legacy linting and formatting tools such as pylint, flake8, isort, bandit, and black have been removed. These have been replaced with Ruff, a more efficient tool that handles both linting and formatting. All configuration settings have been consolidated into the `pyproject.toml` file, simplifying the project's configuration and maintenance. Integration config files like `pre-commit-config.yaml` and `.github/workflows/code_quality.yml` have been updated accordingly. Several rules from Ruff have also been implemented to improve code consistency and quality across the codebase. Additionally, the development dependencies in `dev-requirements.txt` have been updated to their latest versions, ensuring better compatibility and performance. [813](
- `platform.execute_experiment()` and the underlying `ExperimentExecutor` can now handle experiments with multiple qprograms and multiple measurements. Parallel loops are also supported in both experiment and qprogram. The structure of the HDF5 results file as well as the functionality of `ExperimentResults` class have been changed accordingly. [796](
- Added pulse distorsions in `execute_qprogram` for QBlox in a similar methodology to the distorsions implemented in pulse circuits. The runcard needs to contain the same structure for distorsions as the runcards for circuits and the code will modify the waveforms after compilation (inside `platform.execute_qprogram`).
Example (for Qblox)
- alias: readout
- name: exponential
tau_exponential: 1.
amp: 1.
sampling_rate: 1. Optional. Defaults to 1
norm_factor: 1. Optional. Defaults to 1
auto_norm: True Optional. Defaults to True
- name: bias_tee
tau_bias_tee: 11000
sampling_rate: 1. Optional. Defaults to 1
norm_factor: 1. Optional. Defaults to 1
auto_norm: True Optional. Defaults to True
- name: lfilter
a: []
b: []
norm_factor: 1. Optional. Defaults to 1
auto_norm: True Optional. Defaults to True
- The execution of `QProgram` has been split into two distinct steps: **compilation** and **execution**.
1. **Compilation**: Users can now compile a `QProgram` by calling:
qprogram: QProgram,
bus_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None,
calibration: Calibration | None = None
This method can be executed without being connected to any instruments. It returns either a `QbloxCompilationOutput` or a `QuantumMachinesCompilationOutput`, depending on the platform setup.
2. **Execution**: Once the compilation is complete, users can execute the resulting output by calling:
output: QbloxCompilationOutput | QuantumMachinesCompilationOutput,
debug: bool = False
If desired, both steps can still be combined into a single call using the existing method:
qprogram: QProgram,
bus_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None,
calibration: Calibration | None = None,
debug: bool = False
- Introduced settable attributes `experiment_results_base_path` and `experiment_results_path_format` in the `Platform` class. These attributes determine the directory and file structure for saving experiment results during execution. By default, results are stored within `experiment_results_base_path` following the format `{date}/{time}/{label}.h5`. [819](
- Added a `save_plot=True` parameter to the `plotS21()` method of `ExperimentResults`. When enabled (default: True), the plot is automatically saved in the same directory as the experiment results. [819](
- Improved the transpiler, by making it more modular, and adding a `gate_cancellation()` stage before the transpilation to natives, this stage can be skipped, together with the old `optimize_transpilation()`, if the flag `optimize=False` is passed. [823](
- Split execution of annealing programs into two steps: compilation and execution. [825](
- Added a try and except similar to the dataloss error to restart the measurement in case of random timeout issue for quantum machines. This is a temporary fix and will be deleted once the Quantum Machines team fix their issue.
Breaking changes
- Renamed the platform's `execute_anneal_program()` method to `execute_annealing_program()` and updated its parameters. The method now expects `preparation_block` and `measurement_block`, which are strings used to retrieve blocks from the `Calibration`. These blocks are inserted before and after the annealing schedule, respectively.
- **Major reorganization of the library structure and runcard functionality**. Key updates include:
- Removed obsolete instruments, such as VNAs.
- Removed the `drivers` module.
- Simplified the `Qblox` sequencer class hierarchy into two main classes: `QbloxSequencer` and `QbloxADCSequencer`.
- Removed `SystemController` and `ReadoutSystemController`; buses now interface directly with instruments.
- Introduced a new `channels` attribute to the `Bus` class, allowing specification of channels for each associated instrument.
- Removed the `Chip` class and its related runcard settings.
- Eliminated outdated settings, such as instrument firmware.
- Refactored runcard settings into a modular structure with four distinct groups:
- `instruments` and `instrument_controllers` for lab instrument setup.
- `buses` for grouping instrument channels.
- `digital` for digital compilation settings (e.g., Qibo circuits).
- `analog` for analog compilation settings (e.g., annealing programs).
Bug fixes
- Fixed minor type bug in `Platform`. [846](
- Fixed minor type bug in `CrosstalkMatrix`. [825](
- Fixed typo in ExceptionGroup import statement for python 3.11+ [808](
- Fixed serialization/deserialization of lambda functions, mainly used in `experiment.execute_qprogram()` method. The fix depends on the `dill` library which is added as requirement. [815](
- Fixed calculation of Arbitrary waveform's envelope when resolution is greater than 1ns. [837](