
Latest version: v0.28.0

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New features since last release

- Added Drag gate support to `circuit_to_pulse` so that Drag gates are implemented as drag pulses

- Added `experiment/portfolio/` submodule, which will contain pre-defined experiments and their analysis.

- Added `ExperimentAnalysis` class, which contains methods used to analyze the results of an experiment.

- Added `Rabi` portfolio experiment. Here is a usage example:

loop_range = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, step=0.1)
rabi = Rabi(platform=platform, qubit=0, range=loop_range)

bus_parameters = {Parameter.GAIN: 0.8, Parameter.FREQUENCY: 5e9}
rabi.bus_setup(bus_parameters, control=True) set parameters of control bus
x_parameters = {Parameter.DURATION: 40}
rabi.gate_setup(x_parameters, gate="X") set parameters of X gate

results = rabi.run() all the returned values are also saved inside the `Rabi` class!
post_processed_results = rabi.post_process_results()
fitted_parameters = rabi.fit()
fig = rabi.plot()


- Added `FlippingSequence` portfolio experiment.

- Added `get_bus_by_qubit_index` method to the `Platform` class.

- Added `circuit` module, which contains everything related to Qililab's internal circuit representation.

The module contains the following submodules:

- `circuit/converters`: Contains classes that can convert from external circuit representation to Qililab's internal circuit representation and vice versa.
- `circuit/nodes`: Contains classes representing graph nodes that are used in circuit's internal graph data structure.
- `circuit/operations`: Contains classes representing operations that can be added to the circuit.

- Added `Circuit` class for representing quantum circuits. The class stores the quantum circuit as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) using the `rustworkx` library for manipulation. It offers methods to add operations to the circuit, calculate the circuit's depth, and visualize the circuit. Example usage:

create a Circuit with two qubits
circuit = Circuit(2)

add operations
for qubit in [0, 1]:
circuit.add(qubit, X())
circuit.add(0, Wait(t=100))
circuit.add(0, X())
circuit.add((0, 1), Measure())

print depth of circuit
print(f"Depth: {circuit.depth}")

print circuit

draw circuit's graph


- Added `OperationFactory` class to register and retrieve operation classes based on their names.

- Added `CircuitTranspiler` class for calculating operation timings and transpiling quantum circuits into pulse operations. The `calculate_timings()` method annotates operations in the circuit with timing information by evaluating start and end times for each operation. The `remove_special_operations()` method removes special operations (Barrier, Wait, Passive Reset) from the circuit after the timings have been calculated. The `transpile_to_pulse_operations()` method then transpiles the quantum circuit operations into pulse operations, taking into account the calculated timings. Example usage:

create the transpiler
transpiler = CircuitTranspiler(settings=platform.settings)

calculate timings
circuit_ir1 = transpiler.calculate_timings(circuit)

remove special operations
circuit_ir2 = transpiler.remove_special_operations(circuit_ir1)

transpile operations to pulse operations
circuit_ir3 = transpiler.transpile_to_pulse_operations(circuit_ir2)


- Added `QiliQasmConverter` class to convert a circuit from/to QiliQASM, an over-simplified QASM version. Example usage:

Convert to QiliQASM
qasm = QiliQasmConverter.to_qasm(circuit)

Parse from QiliQASM
parsed_circuit = QiliQasmConverter.from_qasm(qasm)


- Pulses with different frequencies will be automatically sent and read by different sequencers (multiplexed readout).

- Added an optional parameter "frequency" to the "modulated_waveforms" method of the Pulse and PulseEvent classes, allowing for specification of a modulation frequency different from that of the Pulse.

- Added `values` and `channel_id` attribute to the `Loop` class.
Here is an example on how a loop is created now:

new_loop = Loop(alias="loop", parameter=Parameter.POWER, values=np.linspace(1, 10, 10))


- Gate settings can be set for each qubit individually, or tuple of qubits in case of two-qubit gates.
Example of updated runcard schema:

- name: M
amplitude: 1.0
phase: 0
duration: 6000
name: rectangular
- name: X
amplitude: 1.0
phase: 0
duration: 100
name: gaussian
num_sigmas: 4
- name: M
amplitude: 1.0
phase: 0
duration: 6000
name: rectangular
- name: X
amplitude: 1.0
phase: 0
duration: 100
name: gaussian
num_sigmas: 4
- name: CPhase
amplitude: 1.0
phase: 0
duration: 6000
name: rectangular

To change settings with set_parameter methods, use the alias format "GATE(QUBITs)". For example:

platform.set_parameter(alias="X(0)", parameter=Parameter.DURATION, value=40)
platform.set_parameter(alias="CPhase(0,1)", parameter=Parameter.DURATION, value=80)


- Weighted acquisition is supported. The weight arrays are set as sequencer parameters `weights_i` and `weights_q`, and the weighed acquisition can be enabled setting the sequencer parameter `weighed_acq_enabled` to `true`. Note: the `integration_length` parameter will be ignored if `weighed_acq_enabled` is set to `true`, and the length of the weights arrays will be used instead.

- identifier: 0
chip_port_id: 1
intermediate_frequency: 1.e+08
weights_i: [0.98, ...] <-- new line
weights_q: [0.72, ...] <-- new line
weighed_acq_enabled: true <-- new line
threshold: 0.5 <-- new line


- `Result`, `Results` and `Acquisitions` classes implement the `counts` method, which returns a dictionary-like object containing the counts of each measurement based in the discretization of the instrument via the `threshold` sequencer parameter. Alternatively, the `probabilities` method can also be used, which returns a normalized version of the same counts object.

>>> counts = result.counts()
Counts: {'00': 502, '01': 23, '10': 19, '11': 480}
>>> probabilities = result.probabilities()
Probabilities: {'00': 0.49023438, '01': 0.02246094, '10': 0.01855469, '11': 0.46875}



- Return an integer (instead of the `Port` class) when calling `Chip.get_port`. This is to avoid using the private
`id_` attribute of the `Port` class to obtain the port index.

- The asynchronous data handling used to save results and send data to the live plotting has been improved. Now we are
saving the results in a queue, and there is only ONE thread which retrieves the results from the queue, sends them to
the live plotting and saves them to a file.

- The asynchronous data handling used to save results and send data to the live plotting has been improved.
Previously we only had ONE active thread retrieving the results and saving them but was created and killed after processing one result of the total `Results` object. Now we are creating the thread just ONCE, so threading is handled at the `Experiment` level instead of what was done previously at the `Exution_Manager` level.

Breaking changes

- `draw()` method of `Circuit` uses Graphviz internally. To be able to call the method Graphviz must be installed. In Ubuntu-based distros a simple `sudo apt-get install graphviz` is sufficient. For detailed installation information for your OS please consult Graphviz's [installation page](https://graphviz.org/download/).

- `gates` property of runcard must be updated to provide a list of gate settings for each qubit individually.

Deprecations / Removals

- The `Execution` class has been removed. Its functionality is now added to the `ExecutionManager` class.
Please use `ExecutionManager`instead. The `ExecutionBuilder` returns now an instance of `ExecutionManager`.

- The `LoopOptions` class has been removed. It was used to create a numpy array and store this array in the `values`
attribute which is now in the `Loop` class.

- The `plot_y_label` argument of the `ExperimentOptions` class has been removed.

- All the `probabilities` methods that returned a `pandas.DataFrame` return now a `dict[str, float]`. All the methods related to the construction of such dataframes have been removed.


Bug fixes

- Fixed bug where acquisition data was not deleted when compiling the same sequence twice.

- Fixed bug where the live plotting created a new plot when using parallel loops.


New features since last release

- Added `Experiment.compile` method, which return the compiled experiment for debugging purposes.

>>> sequences = experiment.compile()

This method returns a list of dictionaries (one dictionary per circuit executed in the experiment). Each dictionary
contains the sequences uploaded for each bus:

>>> sequences[0]
{'drive_line_bus': [qpysequence_1], 'feedline_input_output_bus': [qpysequence_2]}

This experiment is using two buses (`drive_line_bus` and `feedling_input_output_bus`), which have a list of the uploaded sequences
(in this case only 1).

We can then obtain the program of such sequences:

>>> sequences[0]["drive_line_bus"][0]._program
move 1000, R0
wait_sync 4
play 0, 1, 4
move 3, R1
wait 65532
loop R1, long_wait_1_loop
wait 3400

loop R0, average

- Added support for setting output offsets of a qblox module.

- Added gate to native gate transpiler. Contains method `translate_circuit` which translates a qibo.Circuit to a qibo.Circuit with
native gates (Drag pulses, C-phase), virtual Zs and measurement gates only.

- Added optimizer for the native gate transpiler. Shifts all Z, RZ gates to the left and removes them before measurement.


- Added support for the execution of pulses with durations that are not multiples of 4. For this, a new
`minimum_clock_time` attribute has been added to the runcard:

id_: 0
category: platform
name: spectro_v_flux
device_id: 9
minimum_clock_time: 4 <-- new line!

When a pulse has a duration that is not a multiple of the `minimum_clock_time`, a padding of 0s is added after the pulse to make sure the next pulse falls within a multiple of 4.

- Change name `PulseScheduledBus` to `BusExecution`.

- Separate `generate_program_and_upload` into two methods: `compile` and `upload`. From now on, when executing a
single circuit, all the pulses of each bus will be compiled first, and then uploaded to the instruments.

- Make `nshots` and `repetition_duration` dynamic attributes of the `QbloxModule` class. When any of these two settings
changes, the cache is emptied to make sure new programs are compiled.

- Added methods to `PulseBusSchedule` for multiplexing: [236](https://github.com/qilimanjaro-tech/qililab/pull/236)

- `frequencies()` returns a list of the frequencies in the schedule.
- `with_frequency(frequency: float)` returns a new `PulseBusSchedule` containing only those events at that frequency.

- `Pulse`, `PulseEvent`, `PulseShapes` and child classes are now immutable.

Breaking changes

- An `out_offsets` attribute has been added to the settings of a `QbloxModule` object. This attribute contains a list
of the offsets applied to each output. The runcard should be updated to contain this new information:

- name: QRM
alias: QRM
id_: 1
category: awg
firmware: 0.7.0
num_sequencers: 1
acquisition_delay_time: 100
out_offsets: [0.3, 0, 0, 0] <-- this new line needs to be added to the runcard!


Deprecations / Removals

- Removed the `AWG.frequency` attribute because it was not used.
- Removed `ReadoutPulse` and `ReadoutEvent`. `Pulse` and `PulseEvent` have to be used instead.
- Removed `add(Pulse)` method from `PulseBusSchedule` and `PulseSchedule`. `add_event(PulseEvent)` has to be used instead.

Bug fixes

- Fixed a bug in `PulseBusSchedule.waveforms` where the pulse time was recorded twice.

- Fixed bug where the `QbloxModule` uploaded the same sequence to all the sequencers.


New features since last release

- Added new ChangeLog!

- Added rf_on property to SignalGenerator


- Cast `chip` dictionary into the `ChipSchema` class and remove unused `InstrumentControllerSchema` class.

- Upload sequence directly to Qblox instruments, without having to save & load a `json` file.

- Changed `schedule_index_to_load` argument to `idx` for more readability.

- Refactored the `Experiment` class, creating a method for each step of the workflow. The `Experiment.execute` method will run all these methods in order:

- `connect`: Connect to the instruments and block the device.
- `initial_setup`: Apply runcard settings to the instruments.
- `build_execution`:
- Translate the circuit into pulses.
- Create the `Execution` class (which contains all the buses with the pulses to execute).
- Initialize the live plotting.
- Create the `Results` class and the `results.yml` file (where the results will be stored).
- `turn_on_instruments`: Turn on the instruments (if necessary).
- `run`: Iterate over all the loop values, and for each step:
- Generate the program.
- Upload the program.
- Execute the program.
- Save the result to the `results.yml` file.
- Send data to live plotting.
- Save the result to the `Experiment.results` attribute.
- `turn_off_instruments`: Turn off the instruments (if necessary).
- `disconnect`: Disconnect from the platform and release the device.
- `remote_save_experiment`: If `remote_save = True`, save the experiment and the results to the database.

- When translating a Circuit into pulses, the target qubit/resonator frequency is now used to initialize the
corresponding pulse.

Breaking changes

- Removed context manager from `Execution` class. Users will be responsible for turning off and disconnecting the
instruments when not using the `execute` method directly!

- Removed the `ExecutionOptions` class. Now the user can freely choose which steps of the workflow to execute.

- Removed the `Platform.connect_and_initial_setup` method.

- Move `connection` and `device_id` information into the `Platform` class. Now users should add `device_id` inside
the runcard and add a `connection` argument when calling `build_platform`:

platform = build_platform(name=runcard_name, connection=connection)

- Removed the frequency argument from the `Pulse.modulated_waveforms` method (and all the methods that uses this method
internally). Remove `frequency` property from certain buses.

- The `Pulse.frequency` argument is now mandatory to initialize a pulse.

Deprecations / Removals

- Removed the `ExecutionPreparation` class and the `results_data_management.py` file, and replace it with a
`prepare_results` method inside the `Experiment` class.

- Removed unused `connect`, `disconnect` and `setup` methods from the `Execution` class. These are used in the
`Experiment` class, which call the corresponding methods of the `Platform` class.

- Removed the `RemoteAPI` class. This class didn't add any functionality.

- Removed all the `Bus` and `SystemControl` types. Now there is only a generic `Bus`, that can contain a
`SystemControl`, `ReadoutSystemControl` (which contain a list of instruments to control) or `SimulatedSystemControl`,
which is used to control simulated quantum systems.

Bug fixes

- Fixed wrong timing calculation in Q1ASM generation

- Fix bug where calling `set_parameter` with `Parameter.DRAG_COEFFICIENT` would raise an error.

- The `qibo` version has been downgraded to `0.1.10` to allow installation on Mac laptops.

- Fixed the `Platform.get_element` method:

- Now calling `get_element` of a gate returns a `GateSettings` instance, instead of a `PlatformSettings` instance.
- Add try/except over the `chip.get_node_from_alias` method to avoid getting an error if the node doesn't exist.



- Platform should be stateful for connections (143)



- updates to Qibo v0.1.11, fixes breaking changes (139)



- Duplicate hardware_average property & bus.run() in parallel error (136)

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