* Added support for noise model operator input from struqture 2.x. Output remains in struqture 1.x. * Pinned clap version to use rust 1.70 (clap,clap_builder and clap_derive 4.4, clap_lex 0.6.0). * Updated to rust 1.70. * Updated to jsonschema 0.20. * Added list of available gates names.
* Fixed package category.
* Added `SqrtPauliY` and `InvSqrtPauliY` gates.
* Added the doc_generator feature to qoqo that will create .pyi used for python IDE hints during cargo build. * Change version mismatch error message to be clearer. * `PragmaSetStateVector`, `PragmaSetDensityMatrix` and `PragmaGeneralNoise` interface casting errors when handling arrays/matrices * Dependencies issues caused by Pyo3 0.21 support release