* Fixing out-of-index bug when using MeasureQubit together with PragmaSetNumberOfMeasurements when measuring fewer qubits than are used in a circuit
* Better error reporting when readout register size missmatches measurement outputs * Added `run_program` function to qoqo-quest interface so a QuantumProgram can be run by invoking `backend.run_program(program, [0.1, 0.2])` where the list of floats are the values to be used for the free input parameters of the QuantumProgram.
* Changed the meaning of `number_qubits` in Backend. It mean the maximum number of qubits available for simulation. `Qureg` is now initalized with number of qubits being used in the circuit.
* Fixed bug in probabilities function in quest bindings.
* Fixed PragmaSleep in circuit returning error when it should be supported.