
Latest version: v2.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add report generation script to common files







* Add template for OSGi Groovy library bundles
* Add template for OSGi Groovy portlet bundles


* Fix missing license property bug, that showed up if the license placeholder was referenced in a template.



* Java 8, templates now build with JDK 11.





* qube lint now wraps too long lines






* verbose support 186


* sync workflow now polls instead of being triggered on push 170
* renamed branch protection workflow 190
* refactored sync command
* Faster build time by fixing the order of Maven repositories for dependency resolving
* Ignore rule for Vaadin widgetsets







* Fix missing properties for portlet domain
* Fix 169






* Ignores additional Maven files


* Preserve boolean case when loading YAML boolean values
* Force push changes to the TEMPLATE branch during sync



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