
Latest version: v2.6.1

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* Fix the pull request creation after updating syncing the TEMPLATE branch. Qube reported a :code:`FileNotFoundError` for the sync workflow file, because it tried to access this file in an empty directory.

* Removed redundant sync_workflow workarounds

* sync and maven test workflow yaml syntax







* Sets correct repo owner for the :code:`qube sync`






* Enables debug logging









* Updated parent pom to 3.1.1
* Updated template versions to 1.0.1





* Now using Johnny5 for the sync workflow by default
* Maven caching for tests


* Add all `src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets` folders to `.gitignore`
* Makefile now uses pip instead of setup.py by default






* Added release deployment GA workflow for JVM templates
* Added workflow to build software reports and internal documentation


* Fixed parent-pom version being outdated -> 3.1.0
* Fixed further outdated dependencies in various poms
* Fixed release URL in all poms
* Allow PR from 'hotfix' branches



* Removed PR allowance from patch branches
* Removed Travis CI support

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