
Latest version: v0.9.0

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Been a while!

Features added
- Adjusted the `Fit bar widths to a constant plot width?` option to work better.
Now, the "constant plot width" is computed as a third of the window size upon
clicking this checkbox; for some displays, I think this is a larger value than
the previous setting here.

- Added support for jitter plots (aka strip plots), thanks to our use of a new Vega-Lite

- As a side effect of updating the Vega, Vega-Lite, etc. versions, the colors of
outlier points in boxplots are now colored the same color as their corresponding

- Now, running `qurro` from the command line by itself (without specifying any
parameters) will show the full help text, rather than yelling at you to specify
`-r/--ranks` or something.
- Similarly, `qurro -h` will also show you the full help text now.

Backward-incompatible changes
- Updated Altair pin to `>= 4.0`.

- Newer versions of Altair assign special meaning to colon characters (`:`).
This causes issues with field names (e.g. sample metadata fields) that contain
- To avoid these issues, I now change `.` into `_` (rather than into `:`, as
was previously done), and change `:` into `;`.

- As a side effect of the jitter implementation, Qurro's python code will now raise
an error if your input sample metadata happens to include a column named `qurro_jitter`.
I am 99% sure this will not impact anyone, but I think I should at least make note of it...

Bug fixes
- Use `autocomplete="off"` on HTML checkboxes to prevent Firefox from keeping
checkboxes checked even on page reload
([relevant Stack Overflow link](https://stackoverflow.com/a/471140/10730311))

Performance enhancements
- As a side effect of updating the Vega, Vega-Lite, etc. versions, the categorical color
legend used in the sample plot will now truncate entries (showing something
like `... 5 entries`) when there are many (I think the default is > 30)
entries in the legend.

- Removed an ancient comment block in the template HTML. This saves a tiny amount of space
in generated visualizations.

- Adjusted dependency "pins" to now support newer versions of Altair and SciPy.
**This should make Qurro now compatible with all Python versions `>= 3.6`,
and with all QIIME 2 versions `>= 2020.11`.**

- Along with the above changes, updated the versions of Vega, Vega-Lite, and
Vega-Embed in use.

- Added more JavaScript tests regarding the new jittering feature and the
"constant plot width" updates.

- Updated some of the Python code (mostly tests) to address warnings from pandas.

- Various updates to the CI pipeline, including:
- Testing many more QIIME 2 versions (most of the releasese
from `2020.11` through `2024.10`, as of writing)
- Testing many more Python versions
(`3.6`, `3.7`, `3.8`, `3.9`, `3.10`, `3.11`, `3.12`, `3.13`)
- Splitting up the "standalone" CI into two YAML files (one for Python `3.8`
and later, and another for older Python versions), to account for how older
Python / NumPy / scikit-bio / etc. versions are apparently easier to install
nowadays via conda.


Features added
- Added an option to Qurro's visualization interface to exclude metadata
columns from the "sample plot data" output TSV
- This should make it easier to merge the sample log-ratios exported from
Qurro with a sample metadata file -- since now these metadata columns won't
be duplicated, which would cause problems. (This problem comes up in
[Gemelli](https://github.com/biocore/gemelli)'s tutorials.)
Backward-incompatible changes
- Switched the required pandas version from `>= 0.24.0, <1` to `>= 1`.
**This makes Qurro now compatible with QIIME 2 versions `>= 2020.11`!**
- However, this change removes support for older QIIME 2 versions. (It may be
possible to get this version of Qurro installed into an older QIIME 2
environment, but we do not explicitly support this.) If you need to use
Qurro in older QIIME 2 environments, you can install an older version of
Qurro (e.g. `pip install "qurro==0.7.1"`).
- Notably, Songbird has not yet made the shift to pandas `>= 1`, so Songbird
and Qurro will need to be installed into separate environments; the "Red
Sea" example notebook details this process.
- Updated a few other dependency versions to fix various problems (e.g.
explicitly requiring SciPy and pinning it to `scipy < 1.9.0` to fix
[this scikit-bio issue](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1818),
removing Black from the development dependencies for reasons discussed in
Bug fixes
Performance enhancements
- Updated various parts of Qurro's code to remove various warnings (for
example, about certain things being deprecated).
- Updated Qurro's example notebooks:
- Updated the "Red Sea" notebook to explain how to use
Songbird and Qurro in different conda environments.
- Updated the "ALDEx2" notebook to explain how we recommend installing ALDEx2
- Updated the documentation to refer to the published version of the Mackerel
data's paper ([Minich et al. 2020](https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/mSphere.00401-20)).
- Fixed various broken links in the documentation
- Ported Qurro's continuous integration from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
- Improved Qurro's continuous integration in multiple ways:
- Test on multiple QIIME 2 versions.
- Test the standalone Qurro functionality on multiple Python versions.
- Test the standalone Qurro functionality in a non-QIIME-2 environment
(similar to EMPress' "standalone" CI).
- Updated the development documentation
regarding the minimum QIIME 2 version, dependency version issues, etc.


Features added
Backward-incompatible changes
Bug fixes
Performance enhancements
- Small documentation updates, including updating the color composition tutorial
about the minimum python version needed
- Added citation information to Qurro's QIIME 2 plugin -- you can now
run `qiime qurro --citations`, and citation information for Qurro-generated
QZVs is now shown with other citation information at places like


Features added
- Added the ability to **easily search using multiple text queries at once**:
this is done using the `contains text separated by | (pipe)` searching
option. You can pass in, e.g. `abc | def | ghi` to select any features where
the selected field contains at least one of `abc`, `def`, or `ghi`.
- This works more intuitively than the `separated text fragment(s)` option,
and should be useful for a few cases that that option can't handle (e.g.
polyphyletic taxa, as discussed in issue 224).
- Added a **`Draw borders on scatterplot points?` checkbox**, which is useful for making
light-colored points in the sample plot easier to see on the white background.
- Added the ability to **enter in negative numbers in autoselection** to flip
the selection (selecting the numerator from the lowest-ranked features and
the denominator from the highest-ranked features).
- Added the **`Classic QIIME Colors` categorical color scheme** used in some other
visualization tools, including [Emperor](https://biocore.github.io/emperor/)
and [Empress](https://github.com/biocore/empress), to the sample plot's
categorical color scheme options.
- (`tableau10` is still the default categorical color scheme in Qurro, though.)
- Added a **["selection" tutorial](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/biocore/qurro/blob/master/example_notebooks/selection/selection.ipynb)**
describing the various ways of selecting features in Qurro in detail.
- (This was previously the appendix in the moving pictures tutorial, but now
it's been split off and expanded into its own thing.)
Backward-incompatible changes
- For the time being, we are only supporting Qurro for Python versions of **at
least 3.6 and less than 3.8**. The code hasn't really changed, but this seems
like it'll be the simplest option for maintenance in the short term.
Bug fixes
- Previously, the autoselection number field had an implicit "step size" of 1.
I don't think this should have prevented users from entering in
floating-point numbers here, but some people's browsers may have complained
on seeing a floating-point number. This problem should be resolved now.
(See [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/number#step) for details about this.)
Performance enhancements
- Qurro is now installable on conda through the conda-forge channel!
- Various minor documentation updates, including adding citation info for
Qurro's recently-published paper to the README.


Features added
- Added **tooltips** throughout the Qurro interface explaining what certain
controls do. Just hover your mouse over one of the "?" icons to view the
tooltips! ([225](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/225),
- Although this is a pretty common user-interface thing, our particular use
of this was inspired by [Bandage](https://rrwick.github.io/Bandage/)'s
similar tooltips.
- Added two **comprehensive tutorials** explaining how to use Qurro with
certain types of data: ([267](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/267))
- [With transcriptomics data](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/biocore/qurro/blob/master/example_notebooks/ALDEx2_TCGA_LUSC/transcriptomic_example.ipynb), courtesy of [gibsramen](http://github.com/gibsramen/)
- [With arbitrary compositional data](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/biocore/qurro/blob/master/example_notebooks/color_compositions/color_example.ipynb), courtesy of [cameronmartino](http://github.com/cameronmartino/)
- Updated the [**moving pictures tutorial**](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/biocore/qurro/blob/master/example_notebooks/moving_pictures/moving_pictures.ipynb), after a long drought since the last update!
- The newest version of the tutorial has more details, more useful examples,
demonstrates using the latest version of Qurro, and has been converted from
a markdown document to a Jupyter Notebook. Try running it yourself!
- Added a `Export currently selected features` button that does what it says on the
tin: it lets you export a TSV file listing the features currently selected in
a log-ratio. ([87](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/87))
Backward-incompatible changes
- Qurro now (explicitly) requires that a Python version of at least 3.5.3 is
installed. (This is an increase from the previous 3.5 minimum.)
- As a temporary measure, the version of Pandas required to install Qurro from
PyPI has been pinned to below version 1.
- This isn't really "backwards incompatible" since trying to run Qurro with
Pandas 1.0.0 installed would break.
Bug fixes
Performance enhancements
- Various minor documentation updates.
- Updated Qurro's installation instructions: now you need to install `cython`
first, alongside NumPy. This addresses a problem some folks started to have
when installing Qurro into relatively "fresh" environments.


Features added
- Added **Qarcoal**, a new command for Qurro's QIIME 2 plugin that computes
log-ratios from the command line by searching through features' taxonomies.
This can be useful in a variety of situations -- for example, if you don't
care about feature ranking information and just want to look at log-ratios,
or if your BIOM table contains super large numbers that would cause
JavaScript to start malfunctioning (see the "bug fixes" section below).
- Thanks to [gibsramen](http://github.com/gibsramen/) for adding this in
to Qurro!
- Added **autoselection**, a new method for selecting multiple features in a
log-ratio. This method just picks features from the top and bottom of the
currently-selected ranking, using a specified equal amount of features from
each side (either in percentages of features or in numbers of features).
- This feature should be useful when quickly assessing how much a given
ranking field "separates" samples along certain metadata categories. It's
a great starting point when looking at a Qurro visualization.
- Instead of showing selected features in text boxes, these features are now
displayed in fancy [DataTable](https://datatables.net/)s!
- Thanks to [antgonza](https://github.com/antgonza) for adding this in to
- This involved adding some dependencies to Qurro's visualization code:
jQuery, DataTables, Bootstrap's JS code, and Popper.js.
- When selecting a log-ratio where feature(s) are present in both the numerator
and denominator of the log-ratio, a warning will now be shown explaining the
situtation (and recommending that you chose a different log-ratio that
doesn't involve this "overlap").
- We will try to make selectively removing features from one side or
another of log-ratios easier in the future.
- Added an additional text searching option:
`is provided, and does not contain the text`. This will select features
1. The specified feature field (e.g. Feature ID) is provided, and
2. The specified feature field does not contain the specified text.

Note the first clause. If a given field is not provided (e.g. no taxonomy
information is provided for `Feature A`), then that feature won't show up in
any results that involve searching on feature taxonomy. This behavior is the
same as with other text-/number-searching methods, but we've explicitly
specified it here so that it's clear (since you could argue that a
non-existent taxonomy entry "does not contain" some text).
- The sample plot's x- and y-axes are now no longer forced to include zero. So
if, say, all of your samples have an x-axis value of at least 20, then they
won't be squished on the side of the sample plot any more.
- All features in the rank plot now have a "Sample Presence Count" field shown
in their tooltips. A given feature's "Sample Presence Count" value is equal
to the number of samples in the Qurro visualization that contain that
feature. This should give some context as to why log-ratios between certain
features result in more or less samples being dropped from the sample plot.
Backward-incompatible changes
- **Removed the `-gnps`/`--assume-gnps-feature-metadata` argument from the
standalone Qurro interface.** If you'd like to use GNPS data in Qurro, you'll
just need to supply a "normal" feature metadata file where the first column
corresponds to each feature's ID. (This should be available through GNPS
now.) A benefit of this is that you can use this data in either the
standalone or QIIME 2 Qurro interfaces.
- As a side effect of implementing the Sample Presence Count feature, if any of
your feature ranks or feature metadata inputs contain a column named
`qurro_spc` then an error will be raised when trying to generate a Qurro
- Qurro now requires that a Pandas version of at least 0.24.0 is installed.
- Qurro now (explicitly) requires that a Python version of at least 3.5 is
installed. (This was already a requirement, but it should be enforced when
installing Qurro now.)
Bug fixes
- If your input feature table or feature rankings data contain numbers outside
of the range of `[-(2**53 - 1), (2**53 - 1)]`, Qurro's Python code will now
fail with an error explaining the situation. This is because numbers outside
of this range cannot be precisely represented in JavaScript (at least by
default). ([242](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/242))
- The reason for this is that [JavaScript is inherently limited in the sizes of numbers it can represent by default](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number).
There are a few ways around this,
but I do not have the bandwidth to modify and test Qurro to completely
support rare corner cases like this (at least right now).
- **Note that this is only a partial solution to this problem**; it's still
possible to pass in arbitrarily large numbers within your
sample/feature metadata to Qurro, and the behavior in these situations is
still currently untested.
- On the bright side of things :), thanks to the efforts of
[gibsramen](https://github.com/gibsramen), Qarcoal is now available, so
you should be able to compute log-ratios of essentially arbitrarily large
numbers through that interface.
- Fixed a minor bug in `qurro._df_utils.biom_table_to_sparse_df()` where the
specified `min_row_ct` and `min_col_ct` were not being used to validate the
output DataFrame.
- The validation method was still being called, just with the default
`min_row_ct` and `min_col_ct` values directly rather than using the
specified parameters.
- ...Long story short, this bug should not have impacted you unless you've
been using `qurro._df_utils.biom_table_to_sparse_df ()` with custom
validation settings directly. If you've just been using Qurro as a
standalone tool, you should be unaffected.
Performance enhancements
- Various aesthetic changes to the Qurro visualization interface (e.g.
changing the location/styling of certain buttons).
- Renamed the y-axis of the sample plot to say `Current Natural Log-Ratio`
instead of just `Current Log-Ratio`. (This makes it clearer that these
log-ratios are computed using the natural log, i.e. `ln`.) This change has
also been applied to TSV files exported from the sample plot
(`Current_Log_Ratio` --> `Current_Natural_Log_Ratio`), as well as to the
tooltips of samples in the sample plot.
- Renamed the y-axis of the rank plot to say either `Differential: ` or
`Feature Loading: ` instead of `Magnitude: `.
- Renamed the label for changing the rank plot ranking from `Ranking` to either
`Differential` or `Feature Loading`.
- Renamed the `Fit bar widths to the plot's default width?` option (again) to
`Fit bar widths to a constant plot width?`. This seems like a clearer way of
describing this option...
- For searching by the values of a given feature ranking, the header shown
above all of the ranking column names said `Feature Rankings`.
This was slightly misleading, since searching is being done on the
magnitudes of each ranking column for each feature (i.e. based on the
y-axis values shown in the rank plot). To make things clearer, this header
has been changed from `Feature Rankings` to either `Differentials` or
`Feature Loadings`.
- Improved the command-line documentation of the sample and feature metadata
- Added the poster from a recent presentation we did on Qurro to this
repository, and linked the poster's PDF from the README.
- Various documentation updates in the README.
- Changed the project structure around slightly to ensure that
`dependency_licenses/` for libraries distributed with Qurro
(Vega, Vega-Lite, Vega-Embed, RequireJS, Bootstrap) are now installed in
both "source" and "built" distributions of Qurro (previously, these were only
installed in "source" distributions).
- Added `nbconvert` to Qurro's `dev` requirements, and added a command to rerun
all of the example notebooks in Qurro automatically (`make notebooks`). This
command is also run on Travis-CI now in order to ensure that future updates
to Qurro don't crash any of these notebooks.
- Updated the "Mackerel" demo / test data to match the latest output of [this analysis](https://github.com/knightlab-analyses/qurro-mackerel-analysis/). Notable changes include using the `reference-hit` Deblur BIOM output instead of the `all` Deblur BIOM output (which is generally recommended for 16S analyses), and using SILVA instead of Greengenes for taxonomic classification.
- Updated the "Moving Pictures," "Sleep Apnea," and "Mackerel" demo
descriptions to just say "ASVs" instead of "ASVs / sOTUs" (for clarity's

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