
Latest version: v0.8.0

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Not secure
Features added
- Now, Songbird no longer needs to be installed in order for the `qiime qurro
supervised-rank-plot` action (**NOTE: this action has been renamed to `qiime
qurro differential-plot`, see below**) to be available.
- **NOTE: this means that Qurro v0.3.0 will not work with pre-2019.7
versions of QIIME 2. See the "Backward-incompatible changes" section
below for details.**
- Feature ranking values (i.e. differentials or loadings) are now shown in the
tooltips for individual features in the rank plot.
- Added feature rankings as searchable fields in the "Selecting Features"
controls. ([97](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/97))
- Feature metadata fields and feature ranking fields are now grouped under
`Feature Metadata` or `Feature Ranking` headers in the searchable fields
dropdowns. ([191](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/191))
- **Added numeric searching**: now you can search through numeric feature
metadata or feature rankings using basic comparison operators. (Non-numeric
input search text will result in the search not identifying any features,
and non-numeric feature metadata values for the specified field will just
be ignored in searching.)
- Added a `--version` parameter to the standalone (i.e. outside of QIIME 2)
Qurro interface. You can now check the currently installed Qurro version by
running `qurro --version`. (There's already a `--version` parameter for the
QIIME 2 Qurro plugin; this can be accessed using `qiime qurro --version`.)
- Sample metadata fields are now ordered alphabetically (and ignoring case) in
the `x-axis field` and `color field` dropdowns in the sample plot controls.
- The fractions of selected features out of the total amount of features in the
rank plot are now displayed in the numerator and denominator "headers."
- Replaced the `Bar width` dropdown with a slider input that lets you easily
adjust the bar width (in addition to a checkbox that controls whether or not
the bar widths are fitted to the available width).
- The range of this slider is 1 pixel per bar to 10 pixels per bar. Note
that the maximum bar width (when not using the "Fit bar widths" option)
has been increased from 3 pixels to 10 pixels.
- Renamed the `Fit bar widths to display width` option to say `Fit bar
widths to the plot's default width?`. This is a more accurate description
of what this option does.
- More output messages are now used when running Qurro. In particular, the
following events will now trigger output messages:
- Empty samples and/or features being automatically removed
- Features in the table that weren't in the feature rankings being
automatically removed
- Samples in the table that weren't in the sample metadata being
automatically removed (the opposite situation -- samples in the metadata
that weren't in the table -- already would trigger output messages,
- More context regarding the details of feature filtering, if specified via
the `-x`/`--extreme-feature-count`/`--p-extreme-feature-count` option.
These output messages will show up normally when running Qurro standalone or
when using the `--verbose` option when running Qurro through QIIME 2.
- Added a `--p-debug` option when running Qurro through QIIME 2. This will
cause debug messages to be output when the `--verbose` flag has also been
specified to QIIME 2. (Non-debug output messages -- for example, the print
messages described above -- will be output when `--verbose` has been
specified to QIIME 2, but regardless of whether or not `--p-debug` has been
Backward-incompatible changes
- Qurro will now try to load the `Differential` type from q2-types.
- **This means that Qurro v0.3.0 will only support versions of QIIME 2 of
at least 2019.7.**
- **This also means that installing Qurro v0.3.0 into an old QIIME 2
environment will break it.**
- Renamed Qurro's QIIME 2 actions ([98](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/98)):
- **Renamed `qiime qurro supervised-rank-plot` to `qiime qurro differential-plot`.**
- **Renamed `qiime qurro unsupervised-rank-plot` to `qiime qurro loading-plot`.**
- **Text searches are now case-insensitive!** You can now search through
features' taxonomies for, say, `p__firmicutes`, and results for
`p__Firmicutes` will show up.
- Replaced `-v`/`--verbose` in Qurro's standalone script with `--debug`, in
order to be consistent with Qurro's QIIME 2 plugin.
Bug fixes
- A clear error is now raised if the feature rankings or feature metadata
include a column named `qurro_x`. (This column name is used internally by
Qurro to sort features in the rank plot.)
Before, input datasets with this column name would have caused either the
loss of this column of data or confusing errors.
- Previously, there was a small (either almost or entirely impossible) chance
that all of the main data within the rank or sample plot JSON could get
overwritten due to a collision in the dataset name. Although this should
basically never happen anyway, Qurro's code now checks for this scenario and
raises an error accordingly.
- QIIME 2 comment lines in differentials TSV files are now properly handled
when running Qurro outside of QIIME 2.
- Before this fix, trying to use a differentials file in standalone Qurro
that included q2:types comments would cause Qurro to crash.
...However, I'm pretty sure no differentials files including these
sorts of comment lines were in use until the release of QIIME 2 2019.7 a
few days ago, so I doubt this has been a big problem for anyone.
Performance enhancements
- Added a draft "Moving Pictures" tutorial.
- When replacing certain characters within column names, Qurro no longer
replaces `'` or `"` characters with <code>\|</code> characters. Instead, `'`
and `"` characters are just removed from column names entirely.
- Updated the rank plot's y-axis to say `Magnitude: [ranking name]` instead of
`Rank: [ranking name]`.
- Replaced uses of `log ratio` with `log-ratio` throughout Qurro's code and
- On the [Qurro website](https://biocore.github.io/qurro/):
- Added a "Mackerel" demo (based on the output of [this](https://github.com/knightlab-analyses/qurro-mackerel-analysis/) analysis), and associated with data from [this paper](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/721555v1).
- Replaced "OTUs" for the Moving Pictures and Sleep Apnea demo dataset
feature types with "ASVs / sOTUs".
- Replaced "OTUs" for the Byrd dataset feature type with "Taxa".
- Cleaned up the Byrd demo's dataset citation (to reflect the fact that the
Morton/Marotz et al. 2019 paper is now published).
- Removed the now-incomplete "tutorials" section, in favor of just linking to
Qurro's GitHub page.
- DEICODE ordinations used in demos and test inputs have been rerun with
DEICODE version 0.2.3.
- Cleaned up Qurro's command-line interface options and help text.
- When exporting data in the sample plot, the default filename is now just
`sample_plot_data.tsv` instead of `rrv_sample_plot_data.tsv`. (The prior
default filename dates back to when Qurro was named "rankratioviz.")
- A clear error is now raised if Qurro is trying to parse a GNPS feature
metadata file, and the feature rankings include a column named `LibraryID`.
This sort of error should already have come up in prior versions of Qurro,
but now it will come up a bit earlier (and use a clearer message indicating
what's going on).
- Slightly changed the warning message produced when there are
indistinguishable rows in a GNPS feature metadata file (now this message is
no longer prefixed with something like `WARNING:root:`).
- The output message letting the user know about samples in the sample metadata
that are not also in the BIOM table has been shortened a bit (now it doesn't
start with `NOTE: `).
- Changed the error message when no samples are shared between the sample
metadata file and BIOM table to be a bit clearer:
- **Before:** `None of the samples in the sample metadata file are present in the input BIOM table.`
- **After:** `No samples are shared between the sample metadata file and BIOM table.`
- The earlier message wasn't technically wrong, but the new message is more
direct (and more indicative of what's going on behind the scenes).
- In the sample plot Vega-Lite JSON generated by Qurro, samples are no longer
sorted by their IDs. (This is just an internal change, and shouldn't affect
Qurro's behavior at all.)
- Updated the "README.txt" file located in the Byrd et al. test data folder to
make it clearer that the differentials used here are equivalent to those used
in the Morton/Marotz et al. 2019 analysis
- Reran Songbird on the Red Sea dataset in consultation with Tensorboard to
verify that the model fit was reasonable. I changed some of the
hyperparameters around a bit; I added a README.txt file to the Red Sea test
data folder detailing this process, and also updated the Songbird Jupyter
Notebook accordingly.
- Removed some unused images from the `screenshots/` directory of Qurro's
code repository.
- Updated the screenshot used in the README.
- Various other small updates to Qurro's code and documentation.


Not secure
Features added
Backward-incompatible changes
Bug fixes
- Allowed "exact text" searching (the first search option) using just
Performance enhancements
- Removed some unused data from `qurro/tests/`.
- Updated a bunch of links throughout Qurro's code and documentation to point
to its new repository home (https://github.com/biocore/qurro).
- Renamed the `Regenerate sample plot` button to say `Regenerate plots` (this
name makes more sense).


Not secure
Features added
- The color schemes used in the sample plot and rank plot are now customizable!

- Feature loading names (in Qurro plots produced from DEICODE biplots) are now
clearer: instead of being labelled `0`, `1`, `2`, etc., the loadings are now
labelled `Axis 1`, `Axis 2`, `Axis 3`, etc.

Backward-incompatible changes
Bug fixes
- Ensured that missing feature metadata values, and samples' initial balances
(aka log ratios), were set to `None` instead of `NaN` when being passed to
Altair. (In practice this wasn't causing any problems, since Altair converts
NaN values to None values, but Qurro should at least be more internally
consistent now.)

- Changed the behavior of how Qurro (when run outside of QIIME 2) writes out
files. Now, existing files/directories in the specified `-o`/`--output-dir`
will be overwritten if necessary (previously, individual files would be
overwritten but directories would cause an error to be thrown).

- Previously, the use of certain column names in sample metadata, feature
metadata, or feature rankings would cause either confusing errors or the loss
of some metadata/ranking fields in a Qurro visualization. Now, these sorts of
problematic names will just lead to a clear error message when generating a
Qurro visualization.
- See [55](https://github.com/biocore/qurro/issues/55) for details about
which column names cause problems (at this point, most ordinary inputs
shouldn't run into any problems). Since problematic names will now lead
to an error message explaining what's wrong, there shouldn't be any need
to worry about this.

- Qurro should now throw an error if an input GNPS feature metadata file
doesn't have `parent mass`, `RTConsensus`, and `LibraryID` columns.

Performance enhancements
- Now, Qurro's JavaScript code uses a sparse representation of the count data
(previously it used a dense represntation). For inherently sparse datasets
(like many microbiome datasets), this should result in faster loading times
in the browser (as well as smaller Qurro visualizations).

- Significant speedups on how the input data is filtered and matched.

- Now, empty features are removed from Qurro visualizations (in addition to
empty samples). Similarly to the sparsity change above, this should make
Qurro visualizations load faster in the browser, decrease their filesizes,
and reduce the amount of features on the rank plot (for datasets containing
empty features). This has affected the Byrd et al. demo.

- Removed an unused JS file from Qurro's `support_files/`. This change should
decrease the size of Qurro's generated visualizations by a small amount.

- Changed the search type menus to be a bit more clear about what they're doing
under the hood:
- `contains the text` --> `contains the exact text`
- `contains the exact taxonomic rank(s)` --> `contains the exact separated text fragment(s)`

- Previously, the `Export currently used data` button would only export
information about samples with valid current log ratios (however, samples
with invalid metadata fields were still included). This behavior has been
changed so that all samples -- regardless of their log ratio or other fields'
validity -- are included in the .tsv output.
- Also, the exported sample data will now include field information about
the sample plot's current color field in addition to the sample plot's
current x-axis field.
- Furthermore, redundant fields are now shown in the exported data -- so
if you set the x-axis and color fields for the sample plot to both be
`Sample ID`, you'll see three `Sample ID` columns in the exported data.
- Note that invalid log ratios (as well as empty/missing metadata fields,
as before) will be shown as `null` values in the exported sample data.
- The button's name has also been changed to `Export sample data`, to make
its behavior clearer.

- Added citation instructions and some small documentation fixes to the README

- Fixed a typo in the license (forgot to update this when we renamed the tool
to "Qurro" a few weeks ago)

- Cleaned up/updated some of Qurro's basic documentation (in its `setup.py`,
example Jupyter Notebooks, etc.).

- Updated the screenshot used in the README.

- Various improvements to Qurro's code and tests.


Not secure
- Released the first version of Qurro [on PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/qurro/)!

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