- add a resource definition for rivanna at UVa.
- add documentation for missing properties
- add an exception for RAPTOR workers regarding GPU sharing
- add an exception in case GPU sharing is used in SRun or MPIRun LMs
- add configuration discovery for `gpus_per_node` (Slurm)
- add `PMI_ID` env variable (related to Hydra)
- add rank env variable for MPIExec LM
- add resource config for FrontierOLCF
- add service task description verification
- add interactive config to UVA
- add raptor tasks to the API doc
- add rank documentation
- allow access to full node memory by default
- changed type for `task['resources']`, let RADICAL-Analytics to
handle it
- changed type of `gpus_per_rank` attribute in `TaskDescription` (from
`int` to `float`)
- enforce correct task mode for raptor master/workers
- ensure result_cb for executable tasks
- ensure `session._get_task_sandbox` for raptor tasks
- ensure that `wait_workers` raises RuntimeError during stop
- ensure worker termination on raptor shutdown
- fix CUDA env variable(s) setup for `pre_exec` (in POPEN executor)
- fix `gpu_map` in Scheduler and its usage
- fix ranks calculation
- fix slots estimation process
- fix tasks binding (e.g., bind task to a certain number of cores)
- fix the process of requesting a correct number of cores/gpus (in
case of blocked cores/gpus)
- Fix path of task sandbox path
- fix wait_workers
- google style docstrings.
- use parameter `new_session_per_task` within resource description to
control input parameter `start_new_session` in `subprocess.Popen`
- keep virtualenv as fallback if venv is missing
- let SRun LM to get info about GPUs from configured slots
- make slot dumps dependent on debug level
- master rpc handles stop request
- move from custom virtualenv version to `venv` module
- MPI worker sync
- Reading resources from created task description
- reconcile different worker submission paths
- recover bootstrap_0\_stop event
- recover task description dump for raptor
- removed codecov from test requirements (codecov is represented by
GitHub actions)
- removed `gpus_per_node` - let SAGA handle GPUs
- removed obsolete configs (FUNCS leftover)
- re-order worker initialization steps, time out on registration
- support sandboxes for raptor tasks
- sync JSRun LM options according to defined slots
- update JSRun LM according to GPU sharing
- update slots estimation and `core/gpu_map` creation
- worker state update cb
Use past releases to reproduce an earlier experiments.