- Dependency `prompt-toolkit` and `Pygments`.
- Logging to `compas_rcf.utils.docker.docker_cmds`.
- `compas_rcf.fabrication.abb_runner` now dumps placed `ClayBullets` after completed run, together with attribute `placed` with time of placement in UNIX epoch.
- Functions `send_picking` & `send_placing` in `compas_rcf.fabrication.abb_runner` are now timed using Watch from compas\_rrc and the sum of their durations are stored as `ClayBullet.cycle_time`.
- Added command line argument to `compas_rcf.fabrication.abb_runner`: `--skip-logfile`.
- Module for converting JSON to CSV: `compas_rcf.utils.csv_`
- Replaced function `compas_rcf.utils.ui.print_conf_w_colors` with `pygment_yaml`, pretty printing yaml config using prompt\_toolkit and pygments.
- Added check of Exception message in `` to narrow error catching.
- Paths in `compas_rcf.fabrication.abb_runner` are changed to be pathlib.Path objects.
- Changed `compas_rcf.utils.rhino_to_compas.rgplane_to_cgframe` to correctly inherit X and Y axis from Rhino plane.
- Added a note to `rgplane_to_cgplane` to clarify that X and Y axises are note stored in compas planes.
- Unused functions in `compas_rcf.utils.docker.docker_cmds`.