Recurrent inputs for `FeedForwardLayer`
Previously `FeedForwardLayers` would throw recursion errors when you plot their rate maps if any of the inputs were recurrent (or ultimately part of a recurrent loop) since the `get_state()` method would call the input layer, which would call the input layer, which would.... you get the idea.
This has been elegantly fixed by colleenjg. Flag an I put as recurrent when you add it and at rate map evaluation time specificy the recursion depth you want to go to.
Env = Environment()
Ag = Agent(Env)
PCs = PlaceCells(Ag)
FFL = FeedForwardLayer(Ag)
FFL.add_input(FFL) < a recurrent input!!!
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
Env = Environment()
Ag = Agent(Env)
PCs = PlaceCells(Ag)
FFL = FeedForwardLayer(Ag)
FFL.add_input(FFL,recurrent=True) < a recurrent input, flag it as such!!!
FFL.plot_rate_map(max_recurrence=0) max number of times to pass through the recurrent input loop before then ignoring it
FFL.plot_rate_map(max_recurrence=1) 1 pass through the loop
FFL.plot_rate_map(max_recurrence=100) 100 passes