* Minor bug fixes to how figures are made. Some global params (`MOUNTAIN_PLOT_WIDTH_MM`, `MOUNTAIN_PLOT_SHIFT_MM` etc.) were created to help make figures more uniform across the package.
* A new function was created to help make the process of extracting saved data between any two timestamps a bit easier. Figure plotting has been updated to use this function.
Agent.get_history_slice(t_start, t_end, framerate)
""" "
Returns a python slice() object which can be used to get a slice of history lists between t_start and t_end with framerate. Use case:
>>> slice = get_history_slice(0,10*60,20)
>>> t = self.history['t'][slice]
>>> pos = self.history['pos'][slice]
t and pos are now lists of times and positions between t_start=0 and t_end=10*60 at 20 frames per second
• t_start: start time in seconds (default = self.history['t'][0])
• t_end: end time in seconds (default = self.history["t"][-1])
• framerate: frames per second (default = None --> step=0 so, just whatever the data frequency (1/Ag.dt) is)
* Some minor QOL improvement and bug fixes (again, mostly to figure plotting stuff).
Note tiny 1 line bug fix over 1.6.2
Thats about it