A goal of this version is specify optical systems either via the sequential model, the |ybar| diagram, or the element/part tree description. The rayoptics app supports system entry by :meth:`~.seq.sequential.SequentialModel.add_surface` or :meth:`~.optical.opticalmodel.OpticalModel.add_lens` functions in the iPython console, by sketching a |ybar| diagram, and by opening existing optical models. This required a major update to functionality in the :class:`~.parax.paraxialdesign.ParaxialModel`, especially the |ybar| diagram functionality.
To accomodate the different ways models may be built up interactively, a new internal approach of using a simple grammar (:mod:`~.elem.sgz2ele`) to take a sequential model as input and produce an element model/part tree description as output has been implemented. This should eliminate the need to use :meth:`~.optical.opticalmodel.OpticalModel.rebuild_from_seq` to get a correct lens layout. It works well with add_surface, add_lens, add_mirror, etc.
The :mod:`~.qtgui.rayopticsapp` module has been refined to better support use of the iPython console with the graphics windows and menu bar. A button, ``Refresh GUI``, was added to the iPython console to do an update_model() call and reshresh the graphics windows. The ``New`` item on the ``File`` menu opens an iPython console with an empty model and **opm**, **sm**, **osp**, etc. predefined. ``New Diagram`` will open an interactive |ybar| diagram window for sketching a diagram (after clicking the ``Sketch Diagram`` button). Panels for optical specification data are open and docked by default.
Optical systems often can have object or pupil planes at infinity. Even with IEEE floating point arithmetic, **inf** values cause problems in common calculations. Furthermore, it is common in imaging forming software to model an "infinite" object distance as a large number (e.g. 1e10); this convention is embedded in many imported models. The places in the code that dealt with infinite values were identified and guarded against bad outcomes using functions :func:`~.util.misc_math.infinity_guard` and :func:`~.util.misc_math.is_kinda_big`.
Effort was put into covering various corner cases that broke the code. Telecentric and afocal systems, object or image spaces with non-air materials, and models with a single surface (e.g. an eye model) were some of the areas that were addressed.
Other changes include:
- Changed :attr:`raytr.opticalspec.PupilSpec.key` `value_key` literal from ``pupil`` to ``epd`` for clarity.
- Added :meth:`~.optical.opticalmodel.OpticalModel.apply_scale_factor` method to OpticalModel, ParaxialModel, ElementModel, and the OpticalSpecs models.
- Fix the surface normal calculation for :class:`~.elem.profiles.XToroid` (issue 147).
- Look specifically for ``www.photonstophotos.net`` in stringified input (issue 145).
- Added wavefront/opd calculation based on an infinite reference sphere (issue 142).