Major review and cleanup of the :mod:`~.raytr` package. Moved wave aberration calculations and support to new module :mod:`~.raytr.waveabr`.
Integrate :meth:`~.seq.interface.Interface.point_inside` query into the ray trace and add a new ray trace exception, :class:`~.raytr.traceerror.TraceRayBlockedError`. Use this to implement a pupil ray-based vignetting calculation and provide :func:`~.gui.appcmds.set_vignetting` to set the vignetted pupil rays for each field point and the companion function, :func:`~.gui.appcmds.set_apertures`, to set clear apertures based on the vignetted pupils at each field. to clear aperture. These new calculations are in the :mod:`~.raytr.vigcalc` module.
The addition of the :func:`~.gui.appcmds.set_vignetting` function uncovered a bug in the ray plots; they didn't handle the case of needing to overfill the paraxial entrance pupil in wide angle lenses. The ray plots, :class:`~.mpl.axisarrayfigure.RayFanFigure` and :class:`~.mpl.analysisfigure.RayFanPlot`, were updated to correctly display overfilled pupils, and an example lens was added to demonstrate the issue.
A bug affecting the display of flats on concave surfaces was fixed. The cell phone lens example was updated to explain some of the controls added for greater control over lens element display.
Numerous updates to the documentation.