♻️ Refactor
- remove docs files in protos
- demo_motion
- **event_loop**: improve event_loop cyclic_task function
- restructure gain retrieval and return as struct in rby1-sdk
- clean up mobility_command example
✨ Features
- add CancelControl function to stop ongoing current control
- update demo motion minimum time and velocity limit scaling
- **parameter**: add support for temporary parameter setting in SetParameter
- add demo motion example for master arm operation
- **model.urdf**: update joint limit(torso_3)
- update joint limit
- update default gain values
- add grpc auto-generated code for web ui
- add motor temperature information
- expand gripper tip collision area
- update functionality for joint position target in cartesian command
- add joint position target to cartesian command (WIP)
- add overloaded constructor to PIDGain and add Python examples for gain set/get
- improve gain management and accessibility
- add head gain example and mutex lock for Dynamixel gain and motro state retrieval
- add examples for setting PID gains and factory reset
- add functionality to set and get pid gains
- add docker-compose.sim.yaml for ARM simulation setup
- add docker-compose.sim.yaml for simulation setup
- break eng/rel + home offset
- proto docs update
- add gripper test (python)
- gripper test for python
- update quick ui + qc ui
- qc gui servo on update
- qc gui update
- teleop + demo motion update + quick ui
- quick ui update(zero + ems)
- impedance update
- quick ui update
- record & replay example update
🐛 Fixes
- update gripper range detection
- update head current casting after reverting to previous implementation
- **dynamixel_bus**: improve motor state reader function
- make joint values realistic (33)
- **robot_command_builder.cpp**: update pybind defaults and include stl header
- update current reading logic for dynamixel
- **demo_motion.cpp**: correct typo in demo motion setjointpositiontarget -> addjointpositiontarget
- check done before cancel call
- correct PID gain mapping and remove redundant torque disable call
- align mobility SE2 and joint velocity direction with RPC program for simulator consistency
- update network settings in docker-compose
- **master_arm**: fix out of bound access bug
- **model.urdf**: Change velocity limits for urdf torso_0, torso_1, and left_arm_5
- **dynamixel-bus**: fix bug
- change delay for dynamixel to 100us
- get control manager state in start_state_update cb function
- typo update
- typo
- update teleoperation example