Released 2022-03-31
* Add the :mod:`~reader.plugins.readtime`
:ref:`built-in <built-in plugins>` plugin,
which stores the entry read time as a tag during feed update.
* Allow running arbitrary actions *once* before/after updating feeds
via :attr:`~Reader.before_feeds_update_hooks` /
* Add :meth:`Entry.get_content` and :attr:`Content.is_html`.
* In the web app, use the read time provided by the
:mod:`~reader.plugins.readtime` plugin,
instead of calculating it on each page load.
Speeds up the rendering of the entries page by 20-30%,
hopefully winning back the time lost
when the read time feature was first added in `2.6 <Version 2.6_>`_.
* In the web app, also show the read time for search results.