Released 2021-07-17
.. attention::
This release contains backwards incompatible changes.
* Remove old database migrations.
If you are upgrading from *reader* 1.15 or newer, no action is required.
.. _removed migrations 2.0:
.. attention::
If you are upgrading to *reader* 2.0 from a version **older than 1.15**,
you must open your database with *reader* 1.15 or newer once,
to run the removed migrations:
.. code-block:: sh
pip install 'reader>=1.15,<2' && \
python - db.sqlite << EOF
import sys
from reader import make_reader
* Remove code that issued deprecation warnings in versions 1.* (:issue:`183`):
* :meth:`Reader.remove_feed`
* :meth:`Reader.mark_as_read`
* :meth:`Reader.mark_as_unread`
* :meth:`Reader.mark_as_important`
* :meth:`Reader.mark_as_unimportant`
* :meth:`Reader.iter_feed_metadata`
* the ``get_feed_metadata(feed, key, default=no value, /)``
form of :meth:`Reader.get_feed_metadata`
* :meth:`Reader.set_feed_metadata`
* :meth:`Reader.delete_feed_metadata`
* the ``new_only`` parameter of
:meth:`~Reader.update_feeds()` and :meth:`~Reader.update_feeds_iter()`
* :attr:`EntryError.url`
* :attr:`UpdatedFeed.updated`
* The :class:`~datetime.datetime` attributes
of :class:`Feed` and :class:`Entry` objects are now timezone-aware,
with the timezone set to :attr:`~datetime.timezone.utc`.
Previously, they were naive datetimes representing UTC times.
* The parameters of
:meth:`~Reader.update_feeds()` and :meth:`~Reader.update_feeds_iter()`
are now keyword-only. (:issue:`183`)
* The ``feed_root`` argument of :func:`make_reader`
now defaults to ``None`` (don't open local feeds)
instead of ``''`` (full filesystem access).
* :func:`make_reader` may now raise any :exc:`ReaderError`,
not just :exc:`StorageError`.
* :attr:`Entry.updated` may now be :const:`None`;
use :attr:`~Entry.updated_not_none` for the pre-2.0 behavior.